I was still in high school when I saw one of my uncles roll himself a cig. He was normally a pipe smoker but would roll one on occasion. Tabaco I should point out. Once I saw how it manipulated the paper I had it down. Oh I’m not as good as I was in the past, but I like my pen better anyway.
Not .99 cents anymore @Borderryan22, more like over 2 bucks out here.
Thats how I still smoke mine, doobie style. Back in the mid-late 70s when I started smoking, it was beer cans and hand carved apple pipes. And on a bet, usually over something stupid, the loser had to eat the apple when we were done smoking.
@Spiney_norman @Bunger64 @Docnraq @HeyJB @OhioIndoorGrower @Spudgunner
My first puff of weed was in 1978 when I was a junior in HS.
You are a model patient!
My first puff of weed was in 1975 when I was a junior in HS
You are an old man then.
You must be old then.
Get the fxxx outta here. That’s highway robbery. ZigZags are over $2 here, but they’ve always been a little more. If you ever get a chance, try the JOB Diamond clear papers. They burn for freaking ever.
My first puff was in 1977 when I was IN junior high.
First puff, second Saturday, sophomore year, behibd a movie theater. I had a pager, ya, a belt clip beeper, that I lost and then got kicked out of the theater for being too loud.
And it was in 1999. Jeez I’m a baby compared to y’all. jk guys
I still like the originals and the 1.5s. I’ll pick up a pack of the clear ones when I see em.
Ya i like the plain red pack. May get a wild hair and buy some king size Zag’s some time, but I’m a smoke 2 joints type a guy.
I mostly abstain during the week, then stay pretty much baked all weekend,
I smoke 3 or 4 days a week
I wish I could smoke everyday. Got a few more years until I’m fully retired, then I’ll kick the tires and light the fires, set the throttle to full and shoot for the sun.
Late 90s, I used to buy cognac soaked spliff wraps/skins at ALbertsons grocery. We omitted the tobacco. We were taught spliffs are rolled cone shaped, dont know why, just the way the disk golf community was doing it then.
Coke cans and foil pipes, we’ve come along ways
Dont worry growmie, ill smoke errey day for ya!
If I ever get down to the valley, or you get up to the dirty Verde I’ll smoke one with you.
Okay I’m on board I’m 58 started 76-77 we lived out in the sticks, swam fished baled hay and smoked what ever we could get our hands on. I have always liked to create some sort of apprentice to smoke with, we had a WW2 gas mask that would melt your face, Anyways wake and bake till 95, job required us to be drug free because of our license. Fast forward Retired, started smoking again 2020, lost 50lbs, 7/1/21 double bypass, 8/19/21 started my first grow because I have always loved my smoke and why not. I have learned a lot on growing and a lot from here and trial and error it’s kind of scary. Kind of ranted a little. I have been able to stay at 200lbs my A1C is 6.0 and my blood pressure was 117/72 at my Dr.'s visit. Party on Dudes.