Was wondering if anyone uses the trio with their vegetable gardens?
Depends, I throw mine into the composter and then use it for a little bit of everything really , flowers and vegetables.
Short answer yes, long answer I amend the soil with lots of other stuff before I use it again
Good question. I just amend each individual hole Tomatoes, squash, cucumbers ,peppers I have a kids swimming pool I mix everything up in . Never tried the trio in the Veg Garden. Happy growing my friend.
I plan on trying my luck with corn this year. About a 20x40 bed so I’m going to run 5 rows(short) and was thinking about trying the trio and see if itll help with corn taking up so much nutrients in the soil. Any advice would be appreciated. First year doing a big garden. Usually a tomatoe and pepper plants in 5 gal bucket on a roof top lol
Should add I’ve tilled it up and hoed it into raised rows. No other compost or that would be in there now
You can do it a couple of different ways. Plant the seeds when corn gets up a few inches you can side dress it. I have never tried to ammend holes for corn.