Outdoors problem

Hi.I Have problem with my outdoors ladies. Thay are feminized seeds,growing nice till now.But now new,young leaves look very bad.Thay have little holes and looks burned.

I adding photos. I preety sure PH its arroud 6.5(been checking last week)its cookie gelato,quite old arround 4mounths,media its canna prof.with a bit of coco and perlite.Useing vitalink boosters for growing.Any ideas?Thanks


Welcome to ILGM Looks like bug damage from spider mites or some other critter do you have a magnifier or a microscope. Pull some leaves and look on the underside. That’s where they hang out. If its bugs of any kind get yourself some Captain jacks dead bug concentrate and mix some up in a 2gal pump sprayer. Id spray 4 nights in a row then give it a few days. Then spray 4 days and repeat. You can use Captain jacks all the way through to harvest. It is not harmful to humans or animals.


Thanks for replay. I seen grasshoppers on plants today.I am useing neem oil mixture for foliage spraying but last week was a loot of raining.possible fluch out the neem.do You think its may be becouse of grasshoppers?

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Thats not from grasshoppers they eat the edges and whole leaves. I deal with tuns of grasshoppers every year. Neem oil does not stop grasshoppers. They usually dont eat any more than I would have pruned off anyway.


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Hmmm. Thanks.I didnt seen any other pests on plants.no spider mites seen.Do You think its may be becouse of strong sun after storm and rain.as its weather worm with storm and rain.strong wind as well

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You cant see spider mites without a magnifier or microscope.

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Yeap.I am useing magnifier.I ts also no nets at all.I am worring why the brand new tops are showing same symptoms.I also useing neem cake powder once per2 weeks on top of soil to avoid any pests.

I going to spray them today evening properly with neam oil.Should I use captain Jack?I can order todayat amazon use it tomarrow

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Need oil is safe to use during veg, but shouldn’t be used during the flowering stage. I would stick with Capt Jacks.

Welcome to the forum.


I believe spider mites start out eating inside the leaf.

Make sure you spray under the leaves as well as on the top…don’tbe afraidto get it too wet when treating. If you manage to kill them now you should be ok.

I use jacks dead bug, or a product called 8…

Spider mites are my mortal enemy, die, die, die…but thats outside grows.

Good luck with your garden.


Please edit out your F bombs.


I used a product called “Mammoth”. It worked excellent. A little pricey but the results were what I wanted. No insects!
Good luck with you grow.
Happy growin


Mammoth Cancontrol
Happy growin

Are you in the ground or a plastic pot? You have a Manganese (Mn) deficiency a typical deficiency symptom is yellowing between the veins.


If they start yellowing at the opposite end from the leaf tip first, it could be Iron. I would give the plant a shot of micronutrients.


If you aren’t seeing bugs then dont use the neem at all. If you’re worried about bugs then use Captain jacks as a preventive. Once every few days maybe. Im liking what @2GreenThumbs is suggesting.
I just stole this from another website and removed any links that are not allowed on ILGM

Your plant may also exhibit signs of a manganese deficiency if the pH is too high, or if the plant is getting too much iron.

Please note: After a manganese deficiency is cleared up, the problem (brown spots and yellowing leaves) will stop spreading to other growth usually within a week. Please note that leaves which have been damaged by a manganese deficiency will probably not recover or turn green, so you want to pay attention to other growth for signs of recovery.

  • In soil, manganese is best absorbed by the roots in the 6.0 – 7.0 pH range (some growers recommend keeping the pH slightly lower, from 6.0 – 6.5, if you suspect a manganese deficiency in particular)
  • In hydro, manganese is best absorbed by the roots in the 5.5 – 6.0 pH range (in hydro, it’s generally recommended to keep the pH between 5.5 – 6.5, but manganese specifically tends to be best absorbed below 6.0)

If you suspect your growing cannabis plant has a manganese deficiency, flush your system with clean, pH’d water that contains a regular dose of cannabis friendly nutrients that includes manganese. This will remove any extra iron or nutrient salts that may be affected the uptake of manganese, it will help restore pH to the proper levels, and will supply the plant with any missing nutrients


Was close this am!
First frost avoided this am. Covered plants close to house but the ones outback are spread out just enough its a chore to accomplish, luckily it did not frost was real close to no avail, good weather on its way for next weeks final push.weehaa