Outdoor early flowering problems

Hi all I have moved to a whole new climate to where I’m use to growing.
I’m growing plants from a variety of seed found in weed i bought over the years so i don’t know if they are autos or not ( properly not being in Oz and where i used to live but possibly) I planted late August and summer solstice is 22 December so why are nearly all my plants showing preflowers?? One is in flower …

I did have to move them for security reasons from 11hrs direct sunlight to a slightly more shaded area i think they still get around 9 to 10 hrs direct sunlight shade is only hr or 2 from dawn and a hr or 2 til dusk


If they’re getting 12 or more hours of dark they will bloom


Pretty sure we are getting about 13hrs of sunlight atm


They are still in full sun except early morning and late afternoon they are shaded from distance trees ( they are in a open paddock) if that helps lol


If they’re old enough, usually 3 months, they’ll flower in 13hours of light. Some strains are more likely.
I had some ilgm Cali dream begin flowering in mid July( just under 14 hours).


Looks like your daylight hours are increasing. The plants will stop flowering and slowly re veg.


@Drinkslinger yes the days are getting longer til 22 December that’s what had me stumped

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If you had them indoors under 18/6 or some high number of daylight hours, and then brought them outside to 13 hours of light, they’ll start flowering too.


Thanks for the info … im 100% outdoors atm hopefully get set up for indoors by Christmas :crossed_fingers:

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Having the same problem. I’m in SEQ Australia trying my first import seed. White widow and Strawberry cough. In ground early October and the ww are flowering out, expect to finish late December. The SC is in a strange vegetative/ flowing mode. I’ve been doing this for 25 years with local seed and never seen this. Will cross them both with local male and hope for a good winter grow


@Isiahdog with a winter grow when do you plant seeds roughly?

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I run a 12/12 schedule and plants can still pre-flower in less than a month. Depending on the strain.

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Hi. I find a staggered plant is best. 1st new moon in Feb then March and April. I will pick in late May through to early August. Depending on your location, I find large pots are the best for chasing the sunlight. If I sow after April they will start to flower then stretch out vegetative in late August, September which is great for sexing and taking cuttings for the new season. This drought we are in is proving the biggest challenge this year. Creeks are dry and I’m on tank water with very little rain forecast till April. Good luck


Thanks i lost all my plants in the bushfires so im hoping i can get something off before next season

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@Isiahdog i had heard of this in general gardening this year too,( nsw,SA,) season was late by over 3 weeks and same problems with early flowering but temps were average an soils were amended,? they put in ground on seed also an not get to a bigger size pre ground planting,which was my only thought that might work other than potting an bring in for more light after dark :slight_smile: great topic, another member posted about a almanac type info for this stuff.for australian states, :slight_smile:

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Hi. I got given a few plants that started life under lights til they had several layers of leaves.
I put them outside in big pots.
Weeded out the males.
Strange things happened they started there flowering stage before the longest day.
Looked like lovely buds forming.
Later i look and the flowers are streching out and the formed buds look real spindly and long and also look like they going back into a vegetation stage.
My question is will it continue through a second vegetative stage and re flower when the daylight hours become shorter or is that it now best my buds are going to be.
Is there something i can do.

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Sorry, just caught this thread. You guys either planted too late or too early! I grow outdoors in US. It’s dead winter here and I’ve got month old plants out. They will finish late winter early spring.

I’m working on an indoor cloneloutdoor transplant flower system this year. Last year all seeds outdoor.

When a plant revegetates you need to be careful with the old buds, it’s best to cut them off a few weeks after the plant reveges. They can start to die and cause budrot. You also get at least a premature sample.

Love to see outdoor grows, I’m watching now. Post up pics and I hope you all are safe with those fires.

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These pictures are of 3 different girls.
Gone through flowering.
Now leafing up again.
The buds that did form you can see have stretched out into little single bunches of brown fibres.
These pictures refer to my first post on here.
I cant really see how i would cut all the buds off. Would the plant re form new and multiple leaders at that stage.
Never seen this before any one got insight to this situation.

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