I wouldn’t harvest based on pistol color. Get a closer shot of the trichomes. Those should be at least cloudy before harvest. Most people opt to wait for at least some amber but that’s personal preference.
Ok. A friend’s friend also mentioned to go by trichomes not pistils coloring. I had one of those eyeglass magnifying glasses out last night and they still look clear, but I have never looked close up before so I have no reference point. I will look at some pics for examples. He mentioned a special magnifying glass. Is there such a thing? Either way, it was pretty cool to see my very own plant’s trichomes up close instead of someone else’s in a pic. Is that where we all use the word crystals? Are the crystals the trichomes? Tx again @Matthew420.
Anything you can really see them close-up. 60x would be great I think.
As @latewood said “A clear trichrome is just an empty glass”
Then the question becomes, when is it time? That will be up to you. I’m going to do about 50% amber trichomes just to be in the middle.
At least I know to pay more attention to trichomes and not just pistils now. I will be attempting to take a pic with magnifying glass in front of cell phone camera. Doubt it will work, but… Because I just saw such a large % brownish pistils I panicked since I read not to let it go too far. I didn’t even pay attention to the color of pistils at all until very recently when I noticed how much it was flowering and took a much closer look. It wasn’t an option in my mind since I had no clue it could be an autoflowerer. I forgot about those. Although I knew it was ahead of ww seeds I bought, was on assumption it was a regular seed. Newbie mistake but luckily I caught it quickly enough and talked to u about trichomes! Tx.
Those recent buds I took with still some clear is Rocket Fuel !
…not my kinda smoke but I know a few people who enjoy it? The trichombs do make a huge difference, I’m going back to harvesting around 20% Amber, but it’s all personal taste like I mentioned
Tx @billsticks. Nice to meet u. Wow. So many from MA. This is such a great forum and nice people!
Welcome for sure. I’m glad your Dad, raised you right! hahaha
We have lots of Pats fans and dog lovers as well. I have two mixed yellow labs, both rescues.
There are probably 20-25 of us here from MA.
On the trichomes there are three colors, if you will clear, milky and amber.
@Matthew420 I thought you/ the forum; had some really good pics on the forum somewhere of the different ones, but I can’t find it. Add a link if you know where they are!
You mean picture of trichomes?
that’s some serious trichs @Matthew420! great pics man!!!
Wow that’s beautiful!
next up, a virtual reality trip through a forest of trichome stalks with scratch and sniff technology?