Ok this is just a wierd mutant plant

Is a photo period regular strain, CBD sweet n sour widow by Seedsman Seeds. It’s been growing real slow in addition to distortions. I’ve herd that phenos that struggle can be more potent n I’m really curious at this point to see how it will look bigger. Of course it could be a male n total waste of time n I do have limited grow space and plants. With yalls combined experience out there, what is the community’s thoughts?

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Oh I was gonna say to it looks like Kale! If uv ever seen the curly kind


That is weird… let it ride out and see what happens… it’s all you can do.

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It’s a brand new cannabis kale strain! I’ll make millions at the sweet tomatoes and salad bars! :rofl::joy:


I have a candy kush that started the same way. Eventually it started growing normal leaves. It stayed well behind my others but it still turned out ok. I never topped or trained it, just let it grow.


Nice bro :ok_hand: