Ok. I found this worm?

Ok. So I bought all new potting mix and stuff for this 2nd grow and 1 bag they brought me was open and half empty. I didn’t notice til I was getting into the house and they were very heavy so I just kept it. Anyways, I was preparing for transplant this evening and because I am a weirdo I have a process that allows me to be up close and personal with the entire grow process including preparing the dirt and sifting through it. I found this little tiny worm in there. It was orange. I already have a BUNCH of orange centipede type gross things living outside and don’t want any inside my house. I got rid of this one and haven’t found another YET. The light went out so I had to stop for this night. However, I figure where there’s 1 there’s more, right? Is it ok? I see others talking about castings and worms in with their plants, but I just don’t know about all of that. I mean my tent is in my bedroom, sooo…


Howdy Karen
Me too… :grinning:
Oh , the smell when they are in flower…
I reckon the wormies are OK.


Ok then. But if I do find any more of them they are out the door too.

As far as the smell… I have a big filter on my exhaust but rarely use it, so it’s a really good thing that I don’t have any close neighbors. They scent goes quite a ways, especially on windy days. Lol!


I have hundreds in my pots. That’s an adult red wiggles. No harm will come to your grow, and you won’t find them in your house. The tent has zippers, and they don’t have hands. The worst thing that you’ll find is, a dried worm on the floor by your pot; when your pot gets too dry.


Red Wiggles, huh? Sounds about right. Lol! I’m glad I don’t need to worry. Just kinda wonder how it got in there. Thanks Brother! -Me


Sorry auto correct

Red wigglers. They’re composting worms. Came in wet potting mix.


I encourage worms in my pots :slight_smile:


If you find more leave them in there they are beneficial to the soil and your plants. I buy worm castings from a local source that has worm eggs in the mix. I love to fing red wigglers and also night crawlers in my soil.


Not a bad thing people use worm casting all the time. Good luck


Well, I know bud brother said they wouldn’t come out and into my room, but I am still leary and am sure that I don’t want them roaming the house. There are enough outside. I say I could be a millionaire if only I sold bait worms, there are that many out there. They can stay outside. Lol!


With the prices of worms these days you probably could. lol. Maybe not millionaire, but def profitable. Where I’m at live worms are between $4.50 and $8 a dozen depending on the species.


Oh my goodness. While it’s been a while since I went fishing, I think last time they were maybe 259 a dozen.


Haha yeah it’s crazy here. Easy to spend $30 some dollars on worms for a few hours of fishing with the fam.


That sucks. Tear them in half. Go twice as far.

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I put red wigglers in my soil when i use 15 gal or more. Very beneficial. The only reason I don’t put them in the smaller containers is they always crawl out. I also like to get a good amount of the eggs with the fresh worm casting, as they will hatch within week. They won’t crawl out. But will help my next grow when I reuse the soil mix.


So you reuse your soil from grow to grow? I threw out my old last time and my friends said that was crazy. Idk it should be reused. I knew that for an outdoor garden the more years you work the same land the better the crop, but never considered it for my pot.


Yep, I never do more than 2 grows in it. But mine is my own personal supersoil. But yes you can build the nutrients back into it. It’s actually pretty simple, plus once you do it and realize how easy it is you won’t want to spend $25 to $45 for 1 bag, when you will spend hald that amount on the nutrients to build it back 20 times over. I keep one 30 gal of reused and one 50 gallon of super heated fresh to mix in with the old.


Oh yeah worms are not cheap , Live branch lizards are even more money.


Humph. Well alright then. I have so much to learn.

I really enjoy growing in soil. I dont see myself ever moving to hydro. my goal is to someday start making my own soil mix. not just fpr the saving but also just to have my hand in the process. Im still pretty new to growing and learning. just started what will be my first organic grow. I didnt find any red wigglers in my soil :weary: