As a proud 1st time grower, I am excited for my OG Kush baby. From seed until now, it has been 6 wks. I have did a little pruning (not too much) and adding its nutrients on a regular schedule. How does she look so far? Is there anything else I need or can do to get the max growth? Open to all advice/criticism. Only thing is I dont know if it’s an auto or not bc it was a seed from a bag I had a while ago lol. Thanks yall in advance
It’s looking good nice first try one thing you should try out is low stress training that’ll really help increase your yields. Its easy and helps level canopy come flower and creates way more bud sites and did i meantion its easy? Lol
What is that? Sorry I am still learning lol
It’s basically time down branches and opening up spots that the light isn’t hitting you can just any branch of tight down not too rough just lightly bend it down and then tie it using a rubber band or string whatever you want and it opens up the center and you just keep getting light to new spots and never got light before.
That turns into this which is a current pic.
Wow that’s beautiful!
You should try it out. Maybe a shoe string or rubber bands out whatever just pyt it around the branches and lightly pull down akd tape it to ur pot then itll open the center up and really start branching out
I will definitely try this. Thank u some much.
I have one more question, I have 2 more wks before flowering correct? I started 10/1.
You can switch your light cycle whenever you want. Ifs its a auto itll decide when it wants to flower but photos go by the amount of light. If u give it more hours of darkness itll trigger hormones to transition to flower
Nice looking plant. I just harvested a OG Kush auto a couple weeks ago. got 5 oz off her.
Thank you, I try
What kind of light you using?
Oh ok. Not bad fir one plant. I have one and the ts1000. About to get another ts100
whoa! @Deepsix
How is the ts 1000?
Tagging along using mash hydros ts 600 as well
She is looking good and healthy ud recommend clearing out the bottom 3rd of the pla t for good air flow you also don’t want anything touch youre medium