Thank you
She looks oh so beautiful. Great work!
Did u top ur baby? And what is the growing schedule for this particular one?
I fimmed her at the 4th node. She went 13 weeks.
Why is she starting to droop and looking like she’s dying? Help yall! I have been watering her as well as give her nutrients. The pH is alkaline and the light has not changed. Is there too much/little of something???
Looks like overwatering and could have a ph problem. Are the leaves curling ones that get less light?
For me personally ive had past ones looks like that from either over watering/ watering too much or wind burn
No because there are two ts600 in there. I was thinking it was the pH. I had stopped watering for a couple days bc I thought I was doing to much as well. When I picked up the plant, it wasnt heavy at all. Should I do the slurry soil test?
Ph issue crossed my mind but i said overwatering based on my personal experience cause keeping it damp too long can cause nutrient lockout issues aswell and when i personally had ph issue unrelated to watering the tips usually just curl downward. This is only my opinions and suggestions based off my experiences. I could be wrong so dont hold it against me lol