Hey so I know this is completely off the topic of what we are here to talk about on this site but I noticed that there is a lot of service veterans on this site and I’m sure someone can help me tell me what I have here. I put the picture into Google lens and a friend said that this gun might be from the civil war. If anybody could tell me what I’m working with here would be greatly appreciated.
@Myfriendis410 may have some info.
I’ma gonna follow, I have an old one I haven’t ID too
@OGIncognito aren’t you a marine? You know anything about this?
Need a good pic of the receiver. Probably is a trapdoor Springfield.
@Myfriendis410 what do you mean by receiver, it is a muzzleloader
Get a nice clear pic of the hammer side
Do you have a caliper you could mic the bore with. Caliber will help narrow the time period and maker down.
Not a Trap Door, it’s a Muzzleloader.
Damn you smart
Especially any markings on it!
@Growdoc do you see the picture with the tag with the engraving on the top of the gun? I can’t make out what it says but other than that I haven’t seen any other writing anywhere on the gun
This gun is 4 ft long
We use to have to deer hunt with guns like it
Now modern muzzle loaders stepped in
I did, I’m gonna blow it up and see what I can find. There were a ton of private small builders back then, some of their work is quite valuable.
Yeah, my 275 gr bullet at 3200 fps is far from primitive! Lol
What’s a ballpark figure of what this is worth? Opinions anyone? Everybody should post your guesstimate, Price is Right type stuff LOL
With sword and case $1k
Being unknown is hard but that’s my guess