I noticed about 5 of these little white spots on the stems of one plant. Any idea what they could be?
Possibly an Egg sack, tweezer em off. Look for the crawling/jumper that left em behind
Captain Jack’s!
I would get jacks dead bug and spray ur plant
It does look like an egg sac or an exoskeleton that has been shed. If they are aphid eggs, Capt’n Jacks won’t work.
It doesn’t look like you have too many, can you hose off the plant somewhere warm (where it will dry in the warmth), heck you might even be able to to pick them off. Use a paper towel with alcohol to kill the eggs.
The plants needed a little thinning out anyway. I used soapy water on a paper towel and wiped them off. I also sprayed the top of the Coco and the stalks. I only found 6 total, and didn’t see any bugs while inspecting and trimming. I’m so glad I only grow 4 plants at a time. It’s not so difficult when something like this comes up.
I’ll keep an eye open for any sign of them, and I have Captain Jacks ready on standby. I might just give the tent a spray down regardless, in case I missed it. Thanks for the advice.
Capt Jack’s Dead bug if you can get it in time. I never have these issues which is amazing. So I don’t have it on stock and I really should.