Odd looking seedling

I have an irregular plant emerging sour diesel strain. It’s looked odd coming out of the shell and this is what I’m looking at now. Sprouted Sept 22nd. Give me thoughts on what I should do? Don’t really want to waste time if it’s a loss or I can try and grow if it’s not. Need advice!


She is 4 or 5 weeks old? Thats not great looking for the time already invested. I would think if she was gonna grow out of it she would have done so by now. Im not sure I would spend any more time or energy on it. If there was a blank space in my growspot i wouldnt kill it but i also wouldnt grow just that. My 2 cents anyhow.


Here is the top view starting to put some fan leaves out just threw me for a whirl just cuz I’ve never had one branch off like that

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Definitely genetic mutation and is it just me or dose it look like it could root at the nodes?

The reason i ask is theres a pretty rare genetic mutation that’s called “creepier weed” and not as is the buzz creeps up on you but rather it creeps across the ground like some tomatoes do and can root itself at the nodes effectively cloning itself over snd over like some tomatoes can do…

Please grow it out just to see :sweat_smile:

I’ve no idea if thats what it is but that node just looks like the nodes of tomatoes I’ve seen that “creep”.


Looks like it’s coming around. Go ahead and grow it out.

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Sour diesel I had 3 seeds that only one did anything not sure if bad seeds or what. But I will be trying another strand if they don’t act right. First ones I have had that have not grown or look like yours does and not looking like it should. I’m starting over fresh myself. Hate it when waiting and then it does something like that very disappointing. Good luck with them hopefully just one bad seed or something and will grow out of it. Just baby it and do what you do to help it along.

It’s like it grew then split and started a regrow all again idk just weird it’s in with all the others getting the same treatment so I will keep this here and remember to post a later picture😁