I’m in week 3 of fox farm ocean soil…(autoflower) haven’t added anything not even calmag…whats my best move for a beginner? Here is what I was going to buy
Is there anything missing or another suggestion?
I like the Fox farm trio
Welcome to the community ! from my experience in Ocean Forest with auto plants you won’t need to feed anything until plants start to flower. The ocean forest soil has enough nutes in it to take care of the plant up to flower stage. Just my thoughts good luck
Most here are moving to jack A and B ( also know as 321) 60$ total but enough to last you tons of grows since they’re 2.2 pounds each also super simple feed schedule since it’s the same from beginning to end im told personally I’m testing everything grow 1 is full organic grow 2 is dyna grow grow 3 is nectar for the gods grow 4 Jack’s grow 5? Possibly fox farm trio?
I’d like to know the end our come, if u don’t mind, I’ve never used much more than my ff if there’s something that works easier an better y not jump on it lol
That was my first choice, I figure since I’m in FF might as well feed FF.
@GreenSnek I wonder what’s the shelf life of these nutrients it would be nice to buy some & not have to buy any for a while.
@kellydans thanks, I love this forum! I’ve seen so much I wish I’d found out about this place before I started my first grow. What about Calmag? Is that mandatory or is it by eye as in the plants tells me she needs it?
I know fox farms are actually better after sitting a year or 2(probably goes the same for dyna grow) jacks is a dust so good almost indefinitely. Now the weird one is nectar it’s organic but mostly liquid so probably only good for 2 years
You shouldn’t need calmag till later on in the grow. At that point i use about 5 ml per gallon of water. Use your cal-mag on water day only.
Ill be swtching from FoxFarm to Jacks 321 next cycle. Been using FF for over a year and its expensive, a bottle or two a month at +20bucks each. Not to mention FF BigBloom which i blow thru, bought a gallon last time. It is a chore to mix plant food having 6 to 9 bottles to measure and mix, and then ph balance it.
I do recommend Growers Recharge, blackstrap molasses and silica.
Below is my FF nute stash. I want to simplify, im going #jacks321 next cycle!
@MrFriend so wait… you can switch brands of nutrients in the same grow? I was in the mind frame whatever I started with I had to finish
Not mid grow or cycle as i call it. Ill switch when starting a new grow or cycle. Plants need consistency, switching during curent cycle would be bad
@Unknown since they say I can wait till flower to use nutrients so do I have to use all three bottles?
@ILuvW33D just my 2 pennies of ur goin to wait to flower I would just use the big bloom an tiger bloom just if it were me
I switched last grow from FF Trio to Jacks 321 with no issues at all. Jacks is much more simple and cost effective
I am finishing this grow with FF, but will do the same and switch as it seems to work very well and simple to use.
I switched to the jacks and it’s super simple and you don’t have to buy 20 different bottles to get everything you need. All you need is the part A, part B, and some epsom salt. I also just started using the tribus original in my coco grow.
i use sensie line works fine Part A&B and for flower its the same.