Plants showing signs of cal/mag deficiency, have added both to soil but still showing. How long does it take to clear up? Also can you over do it? I’m in dirt. @Myfriendis410 @MidwestGuy @Retiredoldguy
Can you please post pics?
It can take a week or 2 to see a difference if you have fed extra. I’d like to see the plant. It is unlikely that you have both cal and mag deficiencies at once. Despite the number of recommendations on the various forums saying “give it some cal/mag” to most problems, I’ve rarely, if ever, seen an actual cal/mag deficiency, particularly when cal/mag is already being used.
@MidwestGuy Lights are off till 6:00 will get back to you later. Thanks Looked at some Charts i believe it’s a mag problem more than calcium.
I wouldn’t worry about the lower leaves. It is normal for them to yellow and eventually fall off. The plant looks healthy overall. I see no reason to be worried.
finally got pictures to load@Myfriend410 @Retiredoldguy
I’ll add that a few blemishes here and there are normal.
Thank you very much!
I’m not sure what, or if you have any problems with it. I think, it could be a bit too much food or dissolved solids. Naturally the lower feeders will turn and fall off. But, it looks like a good flush would make a difference in the looks of the plant itself. Good job though me looks like a good grow.
How did things go from there with this plant? Good for future reference
Worked out well
Nice one, did you ever do anything about the blemishes or just leave as is?
Just left um