Nute recommendations for flowering

Hi All. This is my first time growing in 20 years so I’m trying to keep it simple.

This is an ILGM White Widow Photo.

She sprouted above ground 22 days ago and I topped her about a week ago.

I used 80% FFOF and 20% perlite. I water every few days and she appears to be growing fast.

I am probably going to flip to flower in the next week or two as this is my first grow and I don’t want her to get too unwieldy and get greedy. If I got a couple zips from this first grow I’d be over the moon.

I’ve been reading a fair bit on nutrients but still can’t decide on what nutrients to get. Given I used a very hot soil I don’t think I’ll have to add nutrients during veg - this grow or any future grows unless I let them get huge.

So can anyone give a little advice on what nutes to buy for flowering/finishing?

As I’m growing just a single plant I’d rather not buy the Jacks321 for $150.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Also a secondary question: the lower fan leaves are huge and a little droopy with a number of them resting on the soil. Not sure if this is bc the plant is so compact or over/under watering or too hot a soil but should I remove any leaves that are resting on soil?


Smaller quantities of Jack’s is available. $150 will buy a lot of Jack’s. I’ve grown with the Fox Farm trio and Jack’s. Prefer Jack’s by a wide margin.


I second the Jacks.

3-2-1 formula
Part A is the Jack’s Hydroponics(5-12-26)
Part B is the Calcium Nitrate bag(15-0-0)
And any bag of Epsom salt works for the third part.

Per gallon mixture is
3.6g of Part A
2.4g of Part B
1.5g of Epsom salt

You have to mix them in order, a bucket of water and put in the part A and the Epsom salt and stir until completely dissolved. Once that’s completely dissolved you add in the Part B, and stir until dissolved…then ph to 6.0 in hydro or 6.5 in soil.

Same thing every time from seed to harvest.

This is by far the easiest nutrient brand/schedule I’ve used, and had the fewest deficiencies of any nutrient line up.


Got it. Jacks it is if its available in smaller quantities. Thank you.


Excellent. And much appreciated for the instructions. So any epsom salts will do so I just have to buy Part A and B. Simple enough. Thank you.

Be sure to get epsom with no fragrances and no dyes. You’ll want pure epsom salt.


Yes, thank you for the heads up on that.

Can get smaller Jacks kits on Amazon or ebay

cheaper (and get 3x more) on ebay


Thank you. Just ordered off of ebay. :metal:

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Jacks is cheap, simple, and good, will also need a scale accurate to 0.01 grams to weigh out the Jacks for best results.

I use one of these:


Awesome thanks. Ordered this too.


Plant looks great, Remove the leaf’s touching soil. I like to clean up around the bottom of the plant make easer for watering and feeding. Good luck with your grow.


Ok will do. Yes, watering is a chore as its a jungle down at the soil level with this one. Thank you.

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Nice looking white widow i would do more lst training try to open up the canopy to let light in u could probably do a little bit of defoliation aswell ,what nutrients did u use in veg stage

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Thank you. Zero nutrients thus far. soil is 80% ffof and 20% perlite so didn’t want to add any additional nutes at this stage as I read that ffof is already sometimes too hot for veg.

I topped about a week ago and more recently used a few of those plastic branch trainers to push the growth out as opposed to up and also tied down a handful of branches with plastic coated wire.

The plant is about 22 inches at its widest and less than a foot tall so pretty short and squat already. It’s just so dense.

Thought about lowering the light intensity or raising the light higher up. I keep it at about 18"-20" above the highest part of the plant and am using a Mars Hydrow TS 1000 (apx 150 watts) but not sure if I should try and have it stretch now or just let it stretch (hopefully) when I flip it into flower.


I think since its the only plant in there its getting all the light and the soil is already nutrient rich that its just growing new sets of leaves all the time. I’m very surprised how quickly its grown since it sprouted 22 days ago.


I got 2 orders from Amazon this size for around $30 bucks if I remember correctly. On grow 3 with this order. It last a while :love_you_gesture:


You’re good to week 4ish with the FFOF with water only. I use they’re mediums on all my grows. I prefer the coco and perlite blend, just a personal preference. Allows me to feed daily to run off preventing any salts from building up in the root zone. :love_you_gesture:

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Thanks. Just ordered a similar sized batch from eBay on @Hellraiser recommendation. Should last me a lifetime with one plant going at a time ha.


Appreciate the info and it reminds me I probably need to start watering more until runoff. Was watering til runoff when it was small but thought I was drowning the plant as I started it in a 3 gallon pot. Now I watered almost a gallon yday and not a drop made it through. She’s starting to drink a LOT more.

Going to start the Jacks 321 when it arrives which should coincide nicely with your 4 week suggestion to start adding nutes.

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