So I’m going to be outdoor growing White widow Autos & Cali Dream Fems this season in the Midwest USA outdoors on private property. I was thinking about taking soil from the field on my land (was a cornfield 2 yrs ago, converted into grasslands) and using about 50% that (it’s loamy, sandy-ish soil), 10-20% perlite, 20 % peat moss, and 10% worm castings. Would this work for the whole growing season? With regular watering of course.
I also have these little organic tabs that add nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil when the plant is starting off, I’m assuming those would be good? I can’t afford tons of nutrients & potting soil, so I need to work with what I have. A few bags of peat moss, perlite and worm castings is fine, but can’t afford Fox farm & name brand items.
Thanks for the help!