Not sure what’s going on here

Not sure what exactly is going on here, I flushed these girls out and gave them a low amount of nutes and am gonna let them air out pretty good. I thought it was a potassium deficiency, but now I don’t really know. Was gonna give them epsom salt or cal mag when I water again. Any thoughts?


Could be a few things, without a support ticket of more information, they dont look too bad, too much water, looks like nitrogen issues. Newer growth looks better, whats your ph?

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These things have had a rough start this was even June 16th. They were stuck like this for like 2 weeks. So they have come a long way, but the striped leafs we starting to concern me. They have pretty good growth still, but it just looks so different in color through each plant


I am using lotus nutrients, haven’t used any cal mag yet though. Only their grow nutrient mix, but only at the end of the flush because I figured I washed out nutrients. Been watering at 6.0-6.4Ph. the soil I am using is terracraft, it’s my first time using it. I haven’t done a lot of research into it, just got recommended it instead of ocean forest, so I am giving it a try

Sorry didn’t tag on the reply

What’s the issue Growmie, a little early in the grow stage for a potassium deficiency. Plants look healthy from the pics :love_you_gesture:


With the Terra craft , At 6.0 Your ph is a bit low for soil.
6.2 - 6.8 is better.
And it feeds for a few weeks like the fox farms so easy on the nutes till the ppm’s drop below 1000.

You might want to have a look for bugs too where they’re outdoors.
Seeing some spots when I zoom in that are concerning.
Last pic in particular.

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i think I’m just overly cautious sometimes, I saw those lined/spotted leafs and kinda freaked out

Okay I will aim a little more up for Ph levels then, I normally do shoot a little closer to 6.4 when I do water. But sometimes it has been at 6.0. But I won’t that happen anymore. And yes I had a really bad spider mite issue, I’ve been using DE, and Captain jacks dead bug from those last pics I posted and checking them pretty frequently. I did start these girls outside, because all my other autos I had indoor were cheap seeds and ended up flowering after about 2 weeks so I did a swap and moved them back in and put the suits outside. Not ideal I know, but this grow has been a mess, just hoping. For the best in the end :pray:t2:

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After dried out a bit, I gave them some epsom salt, then decided it’s time for a transplant. It’s been a couple days since the transplant, but I think they’re looking decent. Hoping the small one will take off a bit here



Those look good to me. They should love their larger pots with fresh soil. Keep your ppm’s around 1000 and keep your ph in check and they will reward you. Good luck!

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Glad to hear it, would you recommend I check run off to see that? Or just when I add nutrients?

I recommend you check your run-off ppm’s every water…feed or not. Thats how you will know when they need nutrients and how much.

A good example is my current grow. Two plants in the tent. One gets fed every other water consistently. The other one always spikes to like 1600 ppm after being fed. So it gets 2 waterings before it needs to be fed again. Its a pain but thats what a have to do apparently. Both are healthy and nice plants, they just dont go through nutrients at the same pace.

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I would recommend getting drip trays and risers because soon they will be hard to move around especially if you get a trellis net involved. The riser helps so the pot isnt sitting in any excess run-off you cant remove.

If you zoom in towards the bottom you can see what im talking about. The plant on the left has an upside down one underneath just to get the two a little closer in height.


I haven’t been watering till run off every single time, should I be even in these 10 gallon pots? It seems like to much, but I don’t know. I will test my run off on this next water for sure though, I wasn’t thinking they’d need nutes at least for a week or two considering the new soil. But I probably am wrong. So If say the run off is 550ppm, I’d be aiming at 350ppm that I’m adding to reach that 900ppm right?

Those are some beautiful plants, I hope mine look half as good as those do! Okay awesome I just ordered both of those, it says they’ll be in by the end of the week. I hope I can get these girls growing a little better, they’re like 2 months old now and they’re so small. They had a rough start and were originally outside, and didn’t grow at all for 2plus weeks. So I am happy with how far they’ve come, I just want it to be worth it in the end of all this mess so far

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No im sorry the ppm’s dont just add up like you are thinking. For one thing lets say you check run-off ppm and its 500. The next time you water lets say between 2-5 days later, your plants would have consumed more nutes by then thus leaving the ppm lower then last measured.

Now…i dont personally measure my input ppm, only my run-off. Some people do, but i dont find it necessary. For one thing when you are giving the same amount of nutes every time you feed there’s no point because you would be seeing the same numbers every time. I use jacks nutrients which are very user friendly and go by a 50%/75%/100% feed based on what my run-off ppm’s are telling me. If my run-off reads around 600, ill feed at 75% strength because i know thats what i need to get back above 1,000. If i know a certain plant is using nutes at a slower pace i might give that one 50% strength sometimes. I almost never feed at 100% strength because my plants are never large enough to need that much.

Yes you should be watering until run-off every time. And yes the new soil after transplant should get you by a few weeks before you should have to feed. Sorry for the long post but hopefully you get some good out of it.

Okay I see, that makes a lot more sense then what I had in my head. I don’t know why i didn’t think about how it will be completely different on the next water.

I am curious to see now what my plants ppm is, but I’m going to worry about that in a couple weeks after this new soil gets its use then. I need to get a new reader as well, mine I’m not to sure is accurate or if those need to be recalibrated. I will just get a new one so I don’t need to worry.

I was just a little hesitant to do so with these big pots, and the plants seeming so small compared too. One more question I have is how do you personally measure when it’s time to water? I do an inch off from roots and go two inches down, and If it’s dry to that point, I water again. I just get worried of over watering, I drowned these pour girls in the beginning

Also I actually really appreciate the long reply, I’m getting a lot out of this and I’m learning stuff I never even thought about thank you very much

I used to go by how light the pot feels, now i have done it enough in a stable environment i just know its every 3 days. The finger check works but gets more difficult after the soil is compacted and full of roots. I grow in 3 gal pots so i cant give you an excact schedule for your 10 gal. You never need to worry about overwatering if your soil drains well, this is what you want. Completely saturate to the point of run-off, then allow dry out almost completely. You’ll know if its too dry, the leaves will start hanging low and not perky. When people “overwater” its more the frequency of the waterings and not the amount that was given at one time.

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