Nmgeo inside outside

Once it heats up here it basically becomes an air swamp. Some days you can feel yourself pushing through the atmosphere. The only escape is to ride up into the mountains and jump in a stream - nekkid if you can get away with it! :laughing:


Yes sir his manifolds were unbelievable and helping others to do those in the topic was very impressive. I know those two GL’s better watch out. Still studying it right now MeEasy and you inspire me to do mad damage. :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: It is all just and experiment and experience to me…


Thank you for this time saving tip.


:wave: Here! I know about veggies outside, so I’m here to learn! Thanks for the tag.

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You are welcome… I will probably show you what not to do… But I just want to see how both do indoor and outside. Knowing my tendency to do damage it may be a good laugh. :crazy_face: :ok_hand:

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They look very happy in their new home!!

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Yes so far I have done little damage… :sunglasses: :ok_hand:

You’re right…everyday IS Saturday or Sunday…

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We must be similar in thinking … I like your way… :sunglasses: :v:

@CurrDogg420 there’s another mistake I made first 14 hour sunlight day is May 20th at my location… :crazy_face:
Oh well I am just off by 30 days… :v: out
Old man brain here :brain:


Oof haha. Welp, you were already planning for a second tent right? :joy: See it all happens so innocent like. :innocent:

Damn you are a mind reader… I like it… Yeah I have a 9’x11’ lung room to fill I see a 4x4x7 in my future most likely. :green_heart: :green_heart:


@nmgeo, we in the hot pepper head community may also be interested in seeing the progress of your hot peppers as well, just a suggestion. :grin: :handshake:

Photos tomorrow on the hot peppers… We have them in 2gl pots and I think maybe I will see if they are big enough. I needed to put some Earth Dust in the 4 4x4 raised beds but never got it added. You think 2 gl pots would be large enough for adult peppers? I need to get some coco coir in that large brick and mix it and perlite in that loamy soil in those planters. The wife has been adding all her kitchen scraps to the planters soil for months as well.

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In my soil and climate, it would probably be ok if I didn’t have to move them. They’d grow tap roots through the bottom and be able to find the ground water. In that case the 2 gallons of decent soil ought to be enough of a nutrient sink/store, especially if you fertilize. Don’t know if it would be the same in NM.

If I wasn’t connected to the ground water, I’d want a little bigger, maybe 3-5 for annum or 5-7 for chinese. For a full size plant. They will adapt to the container size though. The reaper I overwintered spent last summer in a 1/2 gallon plastic pot because I ran out of room in the veggie garden. I basically left it for dead. But it was a survivor, I got a few pods from it, it was like a mini reaper. :joy: Lost all its leaves a couple times but it finally found that ground water.

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Wife said all the root balls from last year were about the size of those 2gl pots… I am still going to get the planters ready to transplant to if needed. The main problems is the planter are setting on concrete slab and obviously that ain’t ideal, but she makes it work.

Still eight more to transplant too :crazy_face:

3 - Various Ghost
1- Scorpion
1-Red Habanero
2-Scotch Bonnets

We will prevail. Headed to Home Depot tomorrow to pick up some stuff.


Yeah I’m guesstimating for the most part. The reaper was root bound as heck in the 3 gallon pot, I had a heck of a time getting it out. It’s been in there since last Oct so 6 months.

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You got some doubles in the solos? If you want to keep both and have them in their own pots just run a sharp knife down between them and try to cut the root ball in half. You might lose a leaf or two but they’ll be fine. In the same container they’ll compete with each other, probably one will end up a runt, and not produce as much as it could. It won’t be a problem having two in container, just probably won’t get you much more than if it was just 1 plant.

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Please save some seeds from those peppers. I would love to try and grow them for my brother and nephew. They love all things hot.


We got some from last year that the lady of the house saved… If you want some for this year we can sure IG that problem… And be assured she will have many more at the end of this season.
Love to share with my friends… :v: :sunglasses:

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