NL Auto help request

What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed (photo or auto): NL auto, RQS
-Age of plant: 3 weeks +2 days
-Method: Soil: FFHF(1/3 on top) FFOF in bottom 2/3
-Vessels: fabric, 5 gal
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff: pH of degassed tap:6.8 (no nutes yet)
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable:NA
-Method used to measure PH and TDS: meter
-Indoor or Outdoor:indoor, 3x3x7 tent
-Light system:viparspectra p1000
-Actual wattage draw of lights:??
-Current Light Schedule: 19/5
-Temps; Day75-80 Night70-75
-Humidity; Day 40-50, Night:same
-Ventilation system; Yes 4" exhaust at top…passive ventilation from bottom
-humidifier on
-Co2: No

Hello all…

I’ve attached 2 pics here of my 23 day old NL-A. I put her in her 5 gal fabric pot from a jiffy pellet (mesh removed before dropping her in).
I’ve given her 1 dose of Myco on 2/2, and 2 doses of 1/4 strength silica on 2/6 and 2/10. Today I watered…for the first time really…1 gal of degassed tap…got 10-15% runoff…I did not check the runoff…I figure the nutes from the FFHF and FFOF haven’t been depleted yet since I haven’t been putting the water to her yet…
I topped it on 2/8 (4th node) and she looks like she weathered that storm ok…
I am seeing some downward curl in the tips of the new growth at the split…not sure if it’s visible in the pics tho…
Overall she looks pretty good so far but this "curling"is worrisome…
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
I might be hallucinating, but I think something is up…
Any input and opinions are much appreciated. Right now she is the only occupant in the tent…but I’ve got another NLA at seedling in a different location that I’ll move in in a week or two…
Thanks for reading and posting your thoughts and suggestions…

I don’t see anything to worry about at this point but do have a question. Silica is very alkaline. Have you been pH adjusting your silica solution before feeding it? Clawing is often a symptom of an improper root zone pH. If you’ve been pH adjusting your silica feed and aren’t feeding nutrients yet, then it won’t be an issue.

So long as the leaves look healthy and you have healthy new growth coming in, there isn’t really anything to worry about.


@MidwestGuy …
Thanks for the reply.
No I didn’t adjust the pH of the silica solution prior to…I’ll get some pH down and get that going. Her trunk is a beast btw…
Thanks again…

She looks tight and healthy my friend. Nice start to I’m sure a fine grow ahead. Give her love and happy growing

The plant looks healthy it also looks like the plant was just watered when plants are watered it is vary typical to see leaf tips bend a little as its water weight in the leafs as the soil drys back the leafs tips will usually spring back up

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Yeah…just put a gallon on her today…I’ve been keeping a close eye on her, especially since the topping…
I’m just not very good at deciphering what the leaves are telling me…
I’ve had bugs in past grows: sp mites, root aphids, termites, and bugs are easier to ID (for me at least), but I struggle with deficiencies…looking at those leaf charts is helpful to a degree…but I still don’t have a good grasp on it…
Anyways, thanks for the replies…


As time passes and the more you grow the better you will be able to read your plants just like in humans and animals plants also have body language and will tell you alot :blush: