Thanks in advanced for all the help. I think I may have a Nitrogen toxicity in my plant. I used half FFOF and FFHF soil with some (maybe a handful or two for 5 gallons) worm castings.
She’s an auto. Almost 6 weeks since sprout. I have fed once with FF Fertilizer at about 1/4-1/3 recommended dose. I also just recently watered too and the top few inches were dry but it might have been still a little moist further down.
If its nitrogen toxicity should i do anything? I dont know how bad it seems and i know autos are a little different.
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Your best bet is to flush your soil. Looks like onset of n toxicity to me. It’s recommended to use 3x the pot size for flushing. Example if 5 gal pot use 15 gal of water! Good luck more growers will chime in soon
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Do you know the runoff pH and PPM? At 6 weeks, with only one feeding, you shouldn’t need to flush. Chances are you still had some stored nutes in the soil, and if you fed with Grow Big, then that extra nitrogen could have caused the clawing.
You have a little clawing but no tip burn and the leaves do not have the high gloss sheen. I would back off nutrients by going to feed - water - feed. I’m with @Borderryan22 and see what runoff looks like.
Thanks for the replies! Like i said in the post. I was worried afraid of overwatering so i put about 1/2 gal ph water in and didnt have any run off so i wasnt able to get a reading regrettably.
Do you think its fine enough to let it ride or should i do something else? Should i skip nutes next watering and just use water and get the readings then?
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Plant looks pretty good actually. I’d go along with @Borderryan22 and @beardless: good advice.
It isn’t too excessive, I’d just give her a watering when she dries a little more. A 5 gallon bag with a plant that size will probably take close to a gallon and a half to get 20% runoff.
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Okay I’ll do that. Your help is very much appreciated.
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