Flowering and thriving.
Gorgeous! Outstanding my friend. L
Dude. You are cool as hell. Thanks for the good vibes, brotha.
Right??? Attitude of gratitude.
I like that!
Anytime man. Just keep growin. Whatever happens keep it up. I know i am. It will pay off. I know it
Nice shot plants look great keep up the good work
Thank you, Dave!
Good show! That’s a top notch plant!
Happy gardening
Nice healthy green color.
@ShockDog cool pic, is that ladybug eating something?
Thanks, Derf! I am excited for this one for sure.
Many thanks, SB.
It looks like it doesn’t it!!!
No aphids on my plant though. Gonna be a skinny lady bug.
@ShockDog just a cool azz pic regardless
Very cool. Ladybugs rule. I like praying mantises too. They eat everything (including lady bugs unfortunately).
Nice! Last year my wife bought a couple of egg pods for shits and giggles, and sure enough they hatched. Hundreds of little tiny mantises. I’ve never seen such a deal. They came with a hatching sack with a window in it. Good thing, they would have been everywhere
That my friend is badassery yep yep pics are