Newer grower here looking for guidance

Hello new grower here or atleast with what i believe aRe indicas. There about 6 days into veg and out of the solo cups. I started them from seeds.
Growing medium is soil from my yard mixed with small amount of planting soil.
Nutes im using the 3 part from gh grow micro and bloom at the aggresive veg so 1.5 tsp grow 1 tsp micro and .5 of bloom. Also using 4 mil of sensi cal mag xtra
Ph is roughly 5.8- 6.0 havent tested runoff yet
Nutes go in at about 350 ppm
Im really waiting on the weather to break for good then 4 of the 5 are going outside. Just wanted opinions on how i could get the sude branching to catch up alittle the big fan leaves cover so much area


Welcome from another newbie. You’re going to meet some awesome people who should be able to help. Just put @ and their name to flag them like @SmoknGranny for me :blush:

@FloridaSon @garrigan62 @Sasquatch are just a few you will like.


They look like you topped a little early. Those big fans are pretty important right now, but since you plan on moving them out anyway…

You can force out those branches by removing those large fan leaves. This will slow them down some more since you are removing a large portion of what is left of their power supply.

I don’t know how much longer you have to wait before hitting the ground, but that slowing should carry you until it’s safe in your area.

I would ask you to at least give them a few days longer to recover more from the early topping before trimming those leaves.

Just a week later would have been better…


Stupid phone!

Thanks for the tag, I saw you were responding when I started to reply. My wife needed something for an upset stomach, so it took me awhile. :wink:

Puff, puff, pass…you have to pass!..


By now they’re probably ready to go into their final pots. Leave the leaves alone for now. Maybe tuck and/or trim the tips to keep off soil. Transplant and let the roots stretch.

Soil Ph 5.8-6? Why soo low?

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Ive always heard that the ph should be around 5.8 or 6 what should the ph be for soil and i topped after the 4th node the node spaces are just super tight

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I would be at 6.5 in soil


Ok thanks ive always been told 5.8 or 6 thanks for the advice

It’s hard to tell node spacing with those fat indica leaves blocking view. :laughing:

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Yea i know ive grown a couple sativas before but these short bushy monsters are killing me lol


Ill try taking a pic from underneat tomorrow showing node space


Welcome to the forum @Josh1126
@Budbrother is right… growing in soil you want to shoot for 6.5 ph but your good from 6.2 to 6.8 Get out side of that and you can expect problems. Like @SmoknGranny said, theres lots of growers here to help you out along the way !
Good luck with your grow!


The 5.8 to 6.5 ph is for growing in hydro. Also welcome to ilgm best of luck to you! :+1:

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Oh ok thanks guys ill try to post some more pics today

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@budbrotha heres th node spacing on all of the plants


Just a little update today running my first flush before bumping up to a full strength aggresive veg feeding using the 3 part gh series. Plants are in one gallon pots running a little over a gallon of water through them then i will feed.
Ps its getting warmer by the day but still dropping to low 40s and last night was low 30s so cant really put them outside yet hopefully soon though

Ok guys so i have a question i know a little about nute lock but yesterday during my flush i was getting a ppm out at about 775 which i thought was odd seeings early in the growth i thought i was putting them in at 150 ppm so i tested my water with nutes mixed in and noticed my ppm meter had a flashing x10 in the corner so im asuming instead of 150 they were going in at about 1500 ppm which i know is to high does the ph when im mixing the nutes in have anything to do with this i use ordinary tap water from a well that when it comes out the faucet its about 4.8 ph. Im using the 3 part from general hydroponics. Floragro, micro, and bloom at the recomended dosages but still had to pour water out and add almost another half a gallon to get it to about 500 ppm which im hoping is good for aggresive veg@smokingranny @floridason @garrison

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@Sasquatch @Noctis420

I don’t know anything about GH so…

@Donaldj @Hogmaster @Countryboyjvd1971

Please scroll up a little and help him out…

Have you checked your waters ppm? I haven’t ever used that line of nutes, but something seems to be out of whack …

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