What happened to my girl?? Please tell me she’s not a goner!
Thank you for any help!
Looks like bud rot or something but ill tag a few others and see what they think @Docnraq @MidwestGuy @HMGRWN @Myfriendis410
Oh no I was afraid of that , so if it is bud rot is the whole plant gone?
Hello @MzCannabis and welcome, I wish it were more of a friendly hi than to say that it really does look like bud rot from those photos like @BigCat420 suggests. Maybe some insect too in 3rd pic. I am sorry, but it looks very terminal and if that plant is around others should probably be quarantined. I really would consider removing it permanently, yes.
Sorry @MzCannabis that sure looks like rot to me. Extensive too. What have weather conditions been like?
That plant is toast. I hope she isnt your only one.
The good news is…everyone here on this forum will be eager to assist you on your next cannabis growing venture. Welcome to the community.
Thanks for the tag
I totally forgot but welcome to forum! @MzCannabis
Welcome @MzCannabis ! I have not encountered but rot yet, cross fingers. Sorry this happened to you.