In FFOF soil I wouldn’t think you should need any Nutes at all at this point. PPM and pH of run off would help I’d think. May be you are over feeding. My2Cents.
they look over-fertilized and over-watered, especially the poor little one,
stop feeding and use the flood to drought watering method.!
get a moisture meter, put the probe in the bottom where the roots grow,
only water when it reads down into the ‘moist’ area or just into the ‘dry’ area.!
this will make happy roots, plant, and grower.!!
saturate the pots until some drains out if the bottom,
let the mix dry, almost completely, judge this by lifting the pots or a moisture meter,
when they need watered again, saturate with run off again and wait until almost dry.!
some old fart put it best…
yes, but probably just 1/2 strength bloom fert at 0.6 - 1.0 EC.!
for photo plants they will veg longer and the FFOF will need fed throughout flower.!
I’m at 8 weeks from seed on chart it says 3 tsp big bloom 2 tsp grow big and 2tsp tiger bloom I only use 1 tsp grow big and 1 tsp tiger bloom no big bloom and used 1/2 tsp cal mag to gallon Of distilled water I’m confused as hell do i flush with distilled water now or next watering? Am I reading this right ? I give nutes every other feeding😕 since I’m using fox farm ocean forget nutes? Starting giving nutes week 6 from seed
Don’t know your feeding schedule but I use gh Flora trio and give plain pH water every other watering. I also give a flush every couple weeks to flush out the salt build up. I don’t feed full strength either
I would take a small amount of soil from 3-4 inches down (I go from the side in canvas bags, it’s pretty easy to pull it down), place it in a container and then add 2oz of distilled water. Stir it up well, then let sit for 15-20 min. Then take a pH reading from this slurry. It’s the best indication of what your root soil pH is.
It’s def time for a major flush. You’ve missed 2 already. Chances are you’ve got some nute lock as a result. You’ll need 3-5x your container size worth of properly pH’d water (finding your soil’s pH will let you know what you should be flushing with. You can use distilled but it gets expensive). Slowly water the plants until you’ve gone through the 15-20gallons. Your ppm will drop.
Alternatively you can use a flushing agent like sledgehammer or florakleen. It’ll take a lot less water.
At the end I’d feed a gallon to each plant of the nutes you’ve been using at the strength you’ve been using.
My ph is 6.3 for both plants small plant ppm is 850 large plant is 755 been watering 1gallon jug to 10 percent runoff for each plant, I water then 2 days off and water again I take runoff readings every time I feed probably too much water how often should I take runoff readings also my city water is 8.1 can I flush fifteen gallons per plant with that? Sorry for the long rant😕
City water probably = lots of chlorine. That is no bueno for plants. I have well water so I’m no help on that. I know I’ve read something here about aerating for a certain amount of time to let the chlorine evaporate but not sure.
this is the major problem,
your big plant is over-watered and the little plant is over-watered to abuse.
u should be tried for this crime.! LOL
stop watering on a schedule, the ‘soil’ has to get air into it.!!
there was some old guy posting about this earlier /\ !!!
sounds like u desperately need a moisture meter.!
Do the slurry test, just to get a really good idea about pH.
Your ppms look good, if not low.
Don’t water or feed your plants just yet, let them dry out a bit. At least until you feel no moisture inserting your finger to the 2nd knuckle.
You can use municiple water as long as it doesn’t contain chloramine. Chlorine is ok, you just need to let it sit out uncovered for 24-36 hours. You’ll also have to bring the pH down. I’d say to 6.6-6.8, but the slurry test will give a better idea.
Do it tomorrow and post the results. Make sure you use distilled water.
How is it that if a plant may be overwatered…but then you flush with more water…I am getting ready to go from Cha Ching to Beast Blm…I do get some run off after watering now…don’t think I have any problems now just concerned to over water
There’s an interchange of salts between the soil and the plant which means unwanted minerals collect in the media and take up room needed for fresh nutrients. FF has flush schedules built in to their feeding to take this into account and is a good idea to run before any nutrient change.
You can flush with tap water but I would suggest this: 15 gallons of tap water with a de-chlorinater (Home Depot in the pond department) followed by 3 gallons of R/O or distilled. Use a product like Sledgehammer or FloraKleen and you can reduce the amount of water.