Newbie, have ideas no experience

Have heard ff ocean too hot for seedlings, could I mix 50/50 with happy frog, or fill bottom half with ocean, rest with frog in 3 gal. Fabric pots, autos, outdoor grow room, any help appreciated

Not that it’s to hot for beans, but does contain a hotter mix than ur HF. N hell yeah u can mix’em, no harm no foul. I’d also suggest some perlite to create more air pockets for them new roots to spread out.:+1::+1::alien:


Thanks, how much perlite per mix

I use 4 parts HFOF, 4 parts HF, n 2 parts perlite, but that’s me. Ur doing the growing now so u can adjust as u see fit. :+1::v::v::alien:

This is a great way to do it.
Stolen from another thread.
The yellow part can be peat, or any seedling starting mix.


Thank u, this is similar to what I had in mind, will try both. ways

That’s how u learn, nothing ventured nothing gained. Love ur open mind, that’s how u learn what works best for u. There r hundreds of not thousands of ways to grow this weed n none r wrong. If ur puffing ur own nugs at the end of the day, u done it the right way…:+1::alien:


Nothing beats experience

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I’ve had 100% success germing in Happy Frog with transplant to Ocean Forest on my first 2 grows. If that’s worth anything.

Ask ur ladies I’m sure they will agree 100%.:v::v::alien:

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#1 thing I’d offer as advice is don’t act fast and if your plant starts showing something strange don’t panic. Go slow because if you knee jerk react it’s easy to make a simple problem worse.


Daym that’s excellent advice. Wish I would have wrote that