New to the ILGM new to the site, I may have a problem with my DWC hydro and could use some input

I dont measure runoff, i measure exactly what i feed. my pH is 5.8 on the money.

My plants show and tells me its eating. Its vibrant, its thriving. No leaf curls, tips not burned, the leafs are growing big and huge, no spots on leafs. Its growing showing signs of a healthy plant. And the trunk grows.

Spots can indicate a nute lockout., its possible that nute deficiencies are coming from low pH of 5.4 .

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I am new to the site and new to living soil methods. I love the idea of feeding your soil not the plant. I hope to learn so much from this site and welcome…also encourage any advice and tips for me to achieve a great harvest! My biggest questions will be about soil mixes and when the correct time to topdress will be. I will be growing mainly indoors with an occasional outdoor garden.


Welcome aboard. Lots of soil lovers here, coco myself. Welcome to some good reading.

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Sorry smokesome, even if you showed us your tits; we still didn’t know you needed help. Did you get the answer yet or figure it out? I can edit your title to get more help.

From reading thru your thread, I bet the ph spike to the 8.0 range did some damage as you suspected. It stressed them out when the all the nutes became insoluble salts. If after you corrected the ph you saw a new chalky layer on the clay or clumped into the reservoir those are unlikely to resolublize in the ph range we grow the plants ideally. You may need to remix those nutes.

Damaged leaves will not correct until new foliage replaced them. So the battle wounds are there until it grows enough to defoliate the spotted leafs. If such an a cute shift in ph was not all ready known, I would suggest carefully looking for bugs. Those are very often found when spots show up for no reason. Good luck and I am sorry the forum let you down.


Hey thanks sorry i raved a lil :crazy_face:

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How much longer ya think before i start the flawless fìnish nutes to flush?

It looks like the plant has recovered nicely. I don’t usually flush so it’s not something I have a lot of input on. I flower outdoor and use living soil. Flushing is not done in living soil.

Back when I grew indoors 20 years ago I would only flush with water the last week to 10 days. But I was using miracle grow for my soil and the MG tomato food as my soluble nutes. Reading the opinions of other growers I would have to confidently say most of us are heading away from flushing through late bloom. Fox farms is the only line I can think of that calls for it.

Your plants look like they are doing well. I bet you have a good 8 weeks to go before you consider trichome colors. My understanding is most flush products are closer to the finish line. You may want to wait. It would be counter productive to strip the nutes out with a flush agent too early. What does the instructions say for timeline on your flushing agent.?

Honestly, even is gifted to me, I may pass on a flushing agent. Humbly my opinion and not judging if you decide to flush. Many do it for sure, and maybe could chime in with more flushing advice than my second hand knowledge.

Do you have a cat? Looks like a cat visit here.


No cat that is from whatever happened it was crusty and i was ganna rip it off but it didnt wanna come off so just crunched inbetween my fingers…
So i am using advanced nutrients . It calls for a flush the week before harvest. I estimate flower start around oct. 1st. I have a jewelers loupe and tricomes are very hard to see. They are there and i can see them real good on the sugar leaves but the actual buds i can see they are there but cant reqlly see them to judge. I have a microscope that hooks up to my pho e but i didnt really like it. Any opinions on a good magnifier? So i a tually have 3 LEDs on. Spider farmer 1000s. 2 about 18inches away and then 1 on the side about 2ft away. Im wondering if having the lights on the side even matter? Or is it bad? Why doesnt farmers put lights all around the plant?
Anyway hey thanks for all ur input! Sure do appreciate it!!


Hope things are working out.


Don’t laugh, I use an old fashioned jewelers loop. Same one I had in elementary school for my rock collection.


This is her today! Last pics were last night.