New round! Cherry Cola X2 by FastBuds

Hi again dudes and dudettes! Forbidden runtz came down (week or two earlier than I’d liked, but spider mites forced me too) so, we have two cherry cola autos going now :slight_smile: one was born with no cotyledons and one was born with holes :rofl: but both smashing it. Both in 4 gal fabric pots, Bio Biz all mix soil, Bio bizz nutrient line (Root Juice, Grow, Heaven, bloom, Top max) Plessey Hyperion 420W led grow light.


Out of likes but along for the ride.

Be proactive and spray them down with CJDB even if you don’t see anything. Easier to remove a problem while they’re young and small.

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I most definitely will! Thanks growmie. Taking no chances or risks with these :rofl: don’t wanna have to harvest AGAIN :roll_eyes::sob:

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Day 15


Am thinking maybe the smaller one stunted a week or so behind as she had to be transplanted as a baby, but she seems to still be growing and looks healthy nonetheless


Also started germinating a G14 by FastBuds today aswell :sunglasses::pray:t2:


Just after lights back on, little one I think is going to be very small :rofl:

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Day 16, bigger one has her first hairs coming through already :rofl:

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This is just mfing great :rage::sob: I swear I’m gunna cry today, not only can I not get the harvested buds in the bags to the right humidity even though they’re dry enough, possibly too dry now, but also, spider mites are on my new plants now very very early stages :sob::sob: so I blasted them with water and castile soap spray, the tent was properly cleaned out and sprayed down aswell, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME :sweat_smile::pensive: getting me so depressed now! Majorly!

@PurpNGold74 @dbrn32 @Graysin @Nicky @Newt

What do I do? I’m very very tempted to just giving up? Sorry to keep putting this on you guys, am so stressed


Spider mites on these little guys? You’re not in flower so i4 opems up what you can use. I would start rotation of something like spinosad and azadirachtin or neem.

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@dbrn32 yeah already! We’ll the biggest one anyway, yeah that’s true, have not idea where they could have came from, unless they’re getting onto me from when I do gardening then transferring from me, if so that’s really annoying :roll_eyes: don’t wanna have to ditch them

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I know of people that are so sick of dealing with bugs that strip down, shower, and change clothes before they will check on their plants.


That’s exactly what I’m going to do :rofl:

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Doesn’t everyone here swear by captain Jack’s bug stuff?

@Covertgrower @MattyBear @AfgVet
I’ve never dealt with them myself but I’m sure @dbrn32 won’t stear you wrong.


@Nicky yeah I believe so, I think I’ll order some as soon as I can


I know I do. I use it often, and it really works well. Instructions say to mix a little thin, (concentrate bottle) but if you double the recipe, you’ll have better results.


I haven’t had to deal with bugs on my girls but use Capt Jacks on my garden plants. Love it


Same here. CJDB alternating with soapy water to take care of 99% of my pest needs. My fungus gnats are just super-bugs at this point. I will be fogging when I get all the flowering ladies chopped. :grimacing:


Captain jacks dead bug is spinosad.

Is it normal For my weed to still be smelling like hay/grass @dbrn32