New Mexico Auto Grow

My seeds just popped and I’m wondering when I should pot them outdoors. The humidity here has been about 12% and temperature is already in the low 90’s. Is there a preferred time to move them outdoors? I was thinking as soon as they pop off the seed shell?

Any insight is appreciated.


I’m not a outdoor grower,but I believe most people like to let their plants get established before putting them outside. With 90 degrees plus I believe probably should give them a couple of weeks to develop a healthy root system to be able to sufficiently uptake water. I’ll tag a outdoor grower to help.




Thank you.


That may be a bit young to put outside… but then again, I would do it :smiling_imp:
Make sure they are not under direct sunlight the first few days… and maybe just do a few hours outside each day, increasing the time out slowly…

@Oldguy might have better suggestions :thinking:


Thanks for the tag fellas. Kapt. Bulldog. :wink:

@kaptain3d I know you would but you seem to make planties love all that rough treatment. :joy:

I like to have a little bit of growth before I put them outside full time.
Usually 4-6 weeks worth after popping them for me.
Just gives them a better start imho.
What the other fellas said goes for me too. :+1:
They gotta have roots to drink. Lol. :grin:



Thank you all. I’ll give them a bit of time then blast them.


Yep, just ease them into the full sun a little at a time

I would put your autos out asap even if they are still seedlings. Photo plants are different because they are more forgiving by not be on a timetable. Dig a small hole and fill it with potting soil. With those temps your gonna want to water every day until they take hold. 7 to 10 days maybe. If you want to grow big autos outside you gotta put them out early. Full sun is great. It wont hurt them at all…

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