New here & new strain (for me) Fat Bastard

So, a while back a friend challenged me to basically figure out the highest THC & highest output grow I could find, so I went on a dive for a while and came up with Fat Bastard,
Hybrid, Goldmember x Monkey Spunk

  • Indoor yield: High (400-600g per m2)
  • Outdoor yield: High (700-900g per plant)

I was interested because I saw very conflicting “easy grow” an “hard grow” statements. So just went for it and I understand it now–they’re heavy eaters and EXTREMELY healthy to the point they will literally smother themselves if you do not work with them. This was them approaching 4 weeks. Like, total, not veg. ~~2 weeks veg.

Just an interesting strain I was wondering if anyone had tried before. Right now they’re not in my tent, which is in bloom for one strain for est Early Oct, then these puppies rotate in near the end for a happy new christmasyear hopeful return.

They’re 5 weeks now but I have to charge my phone for taking new pictures, the difference will be impressive to those interested though. I intend to get them 2-3 more weeks veg depending (so like end Sept/start Oct rotation with the other pending harvest) just to see how they handle being a good 7~ weeks before flipping them.

Anyone else play with this strand before?

Not me, sorry! I just wanted to comment because these look very compact, but also appears as they are under hps? Most of the plants I havevvegged with hps have much longer node spacing so I’m a little curious…


I currently am growing 3 outdoors


Yes, they’re under HPS and I had the same reaction. After a few weeks I went, “I see why they’re called Fat Bastard”, then sent it to a dispensary owning friend in another state who said, verbatim, also, “I see why they’re called Fat Bastard.”
They’re otherwise on my usual regimen-- Promix dirt and osmocote with occasional calmag or superthrive folial every few weeks. Literally everyone is like ??? why are they such fat bastards

Anyway that was 4WK, I took some 5WK pics tonight and have since the previous pictures changed them to LEDs at similar PPFD to see if it… changed anything? But no they’re still real bushy. One of these actually took damage bc i’m a dumbass and clogged it with a light on replacement but I just trimmed a few leaves when the stem started struggling to repair since I had just FIMed it beforehand and it was a lot for the repairing core stem to keep up with, so it’s more… topped, artistically™

Like. I too was curious why my bastards are, in fact, short and fat, but I wanted to try to get them to spread out. I generally LST, all my BBK/Blueberry/StrawCough are LST with exception to one I did an experiment with, but I was like. No. You fat bastards absolutely need to start branching out.

I also had a sub-prime setup with some I had set to germinate before my new peat pots came in (their shipping arrival delayed) and my local garden center is useless, so I went “Meh I can transplant them once they pop up” with a new round, the seedlings you now see in peat pots but, oh my god? The three in the one shot had 8~ inch tap roots already??? I put them in the ground from germ like 3.5 days ago??? wot. You fat bastards. The other 3 I put down were more what I’d think like 4~ish inch main tap root? NOTICEABLY LESS. (I live in a state where the legal license cultivator is a 6>6>6 cap per stage/height/misc limits so most of my stuff will be in 6 waves. I’ve decided I like the strain, possibly because it actually confuses me. WHY SO FAT? WHY SO SHORT? WHY TAP ROOT SO DEEP? WHY SO SERIOUS?

*for what it’s worth, the nibblings you see are a mix of topping after effect and a minor pest problem around week 3 I treated out, or more, flies fkin loved my HPS and my weather insulation on my door gave them a beeline toward the current tent at night while it’s cooling off outside, but it’s fine, we’re good. I just wish I could set up another tent but. Working on limited/awkward space arrangements. I’d need to custom build it no higher than five feet and even then only 3 feet wide and since I plan to shove them in the main tent in a few weeks that’s a no go.

Either way the last ~8-9 days for them they seem to have about doubled in height. It seems like they vegetate out and real full, THEN start popping up. That or they really like the LED for some reason despite the same PPFD? UNCLEAR.

I’m used to strains that were uh. Popular by other routes back when I lived in texas 10+ years ago, like BBK, Blueberry, etc hence running those on main but I took this quest on and I’m like “what even ARE you, what are you DOING”

Also fml how long am I grounded to the only five posts a day thing and what kind of time period rollover is it, is it a server based time roll or what. blease ilgm I just want to discuss plants I’m not a spammer I swear. I had to wait over an hour to send this, sorry.

Also I found a sort of stage-between pic, which is the one I sent that got the duplicate comment, this was about 4.5wk

Do not judge my runt her name is Thelma and I loves her still (she also has herself become a tiny christmas tree since then).


How old are these? I’m curious.

Addendum: found some week 3 pictures as well

@Starky they are 20 weeks and been in flower for 7 weeks started in a tent moved out side day after memorial day. They are in Fox happy frog/ocean forest 10 gallon pot feeding evey three weeks 4-4-4 all purpose and 2-8-4 bloom also once a week molasses

Okay that explains it, I was scratching my head at their spacing compared to mine but read they can get stretchy, and yours are post stretch then, did yours grow compact at first too?

@Starky yeah they where bushes until the strecth

The runt ontop is my biggest plant now

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this looks like mine around wk 3.5-4, does that sound correct

It won’t let me edit to add, so wks 3.5, 4, 4.5, does this sound about correct on your pacing compared

Yeah my plants in the abive pictures are exactly 4 weeks old All i did was top them 2 times

Ironically I waited to top mine until about 3.5, because I try to wait for 3 nodes and the 4th developing but suddenly it was heading on 5 because how dense these things develop. I’ve been waiting to see how they develop before extra topping because, jesus. These Things. I’ve been fascinated between watching how they develop vs how to manip them.

It’s automated and has more to do with activity than time. Use your likes and read other topics and you’ll get advanced in no time.


I think I was Freed.