New grower question. Preflowering?

I’ve been in Veg a little longer than expected. They broke ground about 2 months ago. I’ve been running under 18/6 the whole time but I’ve noticed a couple of my plants showing pistols and all of them have this real spidery look to them. Is this what’s called pre flowering or is something else going on?

If you need any more pics or info let me know. Thank you!

Are you referring to the clawing?



When the plants begin showing pistils and crowning at there tops this is the plants reaching maturity and them showing you its time to switch light cycles


Almost looks like they are getting too much light, what’s your ppfds and dli?

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Yes. The clawing and they are kind of skinny and light colored?

These are photo strains not autos.

I just upped the light a little over a week ago so it could be related but I don’t think it was too much.

Yeah that actually on the low side.

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My tent has been warmer than usual, but still 85-87F max.

Just fed the ladies so RH is up a little. Never had my temp above 78⁰ though.


Just curious, what do you measure RH with inside your tent?

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I’m running the AC controller too. Current environment.

I’m also getting some drooping and yellowing on the bottom leaves.

I’m a soil guy, what’s that you’re growing in?

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Soil. BAS recipe. I followed it to the letter.

I don’t have very good air exhaust right now that’s why my temps are higher than optimal. I’m only using passive venting in my tent. There’s way too many plants in that 4x4 right now too (16). Planning on putting them outside in a week or so.

I’m actually typing this while I’m installing my inline fan so hopefully I can get better airflow. I do have 2 oscillating fans in there as well.


That will help alot

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What temp/RH do most people shoot for in Veg?

I was loosely following the build a soil recommendation of 85F/80%.

Thanks. Just got it installed.


I ran veg temps 75- 78 f and Rh about 63- 68, some go higher, but plants were happy!


They look a bit overwatered to me. The drooping and fat, swollen leaves say too often watered. If they stay wet, it will throw your ph off, possibly locking out nutes. The slight yellowing between the veins indicates magnesium may already be locked out.


I’ve definitely been struggling with watering. I’m pretty sure I over watered when I transplanted 3 weeks ago but I’ve been trying to not water them much. Last watering was Tues morning and each of them got about a 1/4 cup of water (2.5 gallon pots). If I put my finger in the top they are bone dry at least 2” down. I actually was thinking of watering them in the AM. Bad idea?