New grower question. Preflowering?

As long as they have dried out pretty well, should be good. Just make sure there’s not water staying in the bottom of pots. I pick them up and feel the weight to judge when to water, seems more reliable than just checking the surface dryness. Hope that makes sense.

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So I pulled one out to inspect the roots. It’s BONE dry. Like crusty and crumbly dry. When I watered on Tuesday the 1/4 cup ran out the bottom. I thought maybe I was overwatering again but I watered again tonight to see and the same thing happened. The soil is bone dry and hydrophobic.

Ok then water , but slowly, let the soil absorb the water instead of running straight thru. In soil, I would water enough to get a small amount of runoff to make sure soil is saturated. Remember it’s not how much water you give them, it’s how often. You want a wet dry cycle. Remember how the pots felt now while dry, let them get close to that weight before you water again. I give them water in 3 steps, letting my media soak it in slowly, that helps soil saturate evenly. See if they perk up after watering……

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You may need to add a little wetting agent like yucca, to get the soil moistened again

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I’ve been using a wetting agent and garden sprayer. I thought I was going slow on Tuesday but it runs right out. Before this last transplant I had been bottom watering so I never had this problem.

Thanks for the tips about the weight. I’ll try and get a feel for that.

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You might want to bottom water one time, letting them sit until soil is moist an inch down. That should rehydrate the soil and mabey then it would accept top watering. Glad to help if I can!

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