As a first time marijuana grower, I’m looking for tips and tricks for growing in Coco coir and perlite (70/30). I’ve done a ton of research and would like some people with personal experience to weigh in I’m growing feminized Skywalker Og (non-auto) and they popped out of the soil on May 24th
reached my max replies as a new community member, so I’ll have to reply tomorrow *
I started off last year with coco coir and perlite. I’ve only made two changes. I’ve added a quart of worm castings or composted manure to every gallon of coco. I also cut back on the perlite. I add a couple of handfuls to every gallon of mix.
I use canna coco by itself no peralite or anything it hold a bit more water not adding peralite to the mix. It does not pack down real bad and seems to be otaye so far. I think coco is the way every1 should start as it is the easiest to fix a problem if one pops up
All the info you could want to know about growing in coco can be found at
You should spend several hours/days learning what to do. It is already too late, but you should start out looking at how to grow seedlings in coco, it might give you some ideas if you run into problems.
@CMichGrower thank you for the site!
It’s not too late as I have done research looking into how to grow seedlings in Coco, I would just like some more personal experiences that people have had growing with the medium.
I like to learn from other people and their hands on experience, as it helps give an insight into the medium as well. If you’d like to help, I was curious when to start fertilizing them. I have read that it should start as soon as the first (untrue) leaves yellow and fall off. but to start at 1/4th strength
I would not do that, good way to stunt the sprouts making them hungry from the beginning as coco has no nutrients in it. I feed my coco even before I plant the seed.
Immediately, at next watering, also make sure your nutes have plenty of calcium and magnesium or you’ll need to use CalMag as well. I start my seedlings on full strength Jacks 321. What nutes do you have?
@Hellraiser I have the ILGM fertilizer and plant protector packs. So would I still need the CalMag? Should I start them at 1/4th strength the seedling fert?
Never used that so can’t really help with dosage, 1/4 or 1/2 strength would probably be a good start. If my sprouts can handle full strength Jacks (around 970ppm), I would think your sprouts could handle half strength of that and you will most likely need CalMag as coco is very hungry for it and will grab it up so need to provide plenty.