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Ok i use ffhf and my soil read that when i had to do a flush on 1 of my plants. But i flushed til it was down to say1100 some thing all 9 of my plants was doing ok in the soil i just had 1plant that kept being n toxic so after the flush its now growing like crazy ill have to add some. to it soon doe at 1/2of what it cause for some plants are more sensitive to nutes than others

And yeah very similar light mines just mars hydro tl 2000 it just that my light is long with light reflection around it ill get a pic for you

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Gotcha. So my problem when i flush them is that this soil holds a good amount of water. And it takes almost a week to dry and I feel like the plants don’t do good in that time. So the bottom 2/3 is that Detroit’s that I put a picture and then happy frog the rest.

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Sorry. I know that light. The abbreviation didn’t make sense at first lol

Awe ok yeah i use 2 of them and a uv light

Nice. I’m in just in a 2x4 so that’s all the room I got lol. I was looking at dr earths the other day and did like it. You put it on before you water correct and it’s not fast acting. Which dr earths do you use. I think I can get that at the hardware stores. I’m at 5 weeks from sprout now on autoflowers

That was my plan to only get a 2x4 but my partner kept dropping seeds in another room in my house closet and didnt tell me so when i went to order my tent he told me thats not gonna hold all our plants of course i was confused i only had 4 he comes out the back room with 6 plants so i took his bank card ordered my tint and another light he wasent to kin on that but he wasn’t gonna waste my seeds and was gonna have to grow them out. Sorry for going on and on

Dr earth i top dress and mix with the top few inches of my soil. And if i put in today my plants want really start getting it til this time next week cause the micro in soil has to use it first

No worries. Your all good. So if I’m in week 5 would I want to use the flower girl or the grow one

Awesome! Thank you I think I can get all local. I was just looking at the 4-4-4 organic dr earth. Would that be what I would want to add now?

No right now you shouldnt add anything just see how your plant reacts to the flush.

Sounds good. Much appreciated

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Hey! Hope you guys are having a good week. Just got a couple inches of snow today. I don’t mind it though. So I fed each plant on Monday 32oz of water each and I also added 1 tsp per gal cal mag general organic. So far nothing else. I will probably water again tomorrow the pots already feel really light. I was at my store and I saw it on the way out and didn’t think to ask about it. They have compost tea for free 2 gal maximum tho and $1 a gal after if you bring containers to fill. I think the plants are still looking decent. I still don’t see any sign of it flowering yet and it’s been 39 days I think. Is this normal for autos? Also one of the somewhat older fan leaf has something going on. I attached a pic. Any input appreciated. @Treasurestoy @Caligurl

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Sorry I have never used a tea… lots of people love it.

Oh the second Pic is starting to show… I’ve begged mine for 50 days. If that one leaf is a one off I wouldn’t worry

Also looks a little like too much nitrogen

On pic i see they are starting to flower i also see nute burn and cal-mag deficiency but i wouldnt worry about it due to the fact you added some on last watering and teas i have never used them but i plan on using them i have everything i need to make my own and you can make your own but with the toxicity you have going on in your plants right now i wouldnt use it till you get some of the nutes out your soil you maybit have to add anything but water,cal-mag throughout your grow in the next 2 or 3 wks you may have to start flowering nutes just not right now

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Sorry i didn’t see you had replied till after i posted.

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Sounds good. So your thinking just water for the next couple weeks and just see how it reacts? Would it hurt to have the general organic cal mag in every watering? And then maybe 2 weeks depending on where there at possibly add a bloom nute? I haven’t noticed any new yellow so I think that a good sign because the ones that have been affected won’t recover correct? @Caligurl

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I also have some raw cal mag but I’m not sure because of the nitrogen content

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