New Grower first plant

My first plant is looking good. Know idea kind it is, it was a gift from a neighbor before he moved.
Reading all I can so I can be ready for next spring


Welcome to the community @BowHunt3r, girls look great, your in the right place a lot of knowledgeable ppl here that’s willing to help any way, an tons of info through out the threads,

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Looking good so far. Is there alot of holes in that bicket for super good drainage. More holes the better. Looks like a slight overwater or she is in need of some food with the few yellow leaves. Any ideas as to how old it is

Thank you,
The bucket has 8-10, 3/4" holes in the bottom.
I can add more.
I just put it in the bucket Saturday and I’m not sure how old it is.

My neighbor left it on my back porch last week when he moved.
It was looking pretty sad, I trans planted it using miracle grow soil the wife had.

What’s happening next spring? - you’re growing weed this summer… you don’t have til next spring!


Welcome! There is over 1000+ years of experience combined among the growers here and all are willing to help. If you want to make sure someone reads your post when you need help you can “tag” them by using the @ followed by their handle → @BowHunt3r like I just did with yours.

There is a wealth of information here so read, read, read.

I’ll be watching since I put a few outdoors this year grow.

Hoppy growing! :rabbit2:

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Happy to report that it’s still alive. I think it’s female. I have had her in organic miracle grow, Should I transplant?
Being in mg what should I feed her.
Soil ph is 6.5. Not sure about water but we are on oh so good well water.
Now like most wells in the Adirondacks iron levels are a little high. How will iron affect her?

Any tips or tricks would be much appreciated.

She looks fine last year my grow was the much same as yours. Many here do not care much for MG I did have good luck with it. Also grew 7’ girls in 5 gal buckets.
Just look after here she will be find. If you add nutes after a time, watch the PH FF trio lowers PH you will get lock out it shows up pretty fast.

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I’m definitely not a MG fan, but if your pH is under control and you aren’t seeing problems, then go with it.

We’ve seen iron deficiencies, but I don’t recall ever seeing an excess and wouldn’t know what it looks like.

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Last year went well enough for my first grow. This year went organic mush room compost under 5 bucks for 40 pounds. Three weeks they seem to like it more then doubles in size no visible issues thus far.


Everything was going great then the leaves starting doing this.
PH is pushing 7.
Any ideas, tips


Try this


They do that when in flower are you using bloom nutes? I used rose bloom from lowes last year.

I’ll have to pick some up. All I have is DR Earth for the tomato plants

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Possible bug damage possible splash damage from watering during strong sunlight…definitely recommend watching ph if adding nutes :sunglasses::ok_hand:t2:

Dr. Earth has something called Flower girl I think. That is what I use along with bone meal and langbenite (spelling?).

Getting closer

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