Need help..late flower, white mold

I’m in need of some advice, I’m currently growing auto flower zkittlez and have about a week or 2 of flowering left until harvest and just noticed that some white mold is forming on cola. They’re currently in pots and air flow isn’t a problem but the humidity in central va is. Is there something I can do to save them.

Do a spray down with a dilute mix of distilled water and 3% peroxide: like 2 or 3 Tablespoons in a quart. Distilled is necessary as the solids suspended in tap water will render peroxide inert.

Doing this may make leaves scruffy and dried out looking but so close to harvest that should not be an issue. Increase airflow and defoliate as much as possible to reduce ambient humidity. Plan on doing a peroxide bud wash (unless you like smoking mold).


Ok thank you so much. Will it effect overall taste and potency doing the bath?

Nope the taste, terps, and potency won’t be affected adversely


Awesome! Should I harvest now even being 2 weeks early in order to do the bath and get rid of WPM?

Is it possible to wait another week to harvest and give it the bath or should I do that ASAP