Hey everybody. I measured the ph of the soil I’ll be growing in (a mix of homemade compost, fertilizer, native clay soil, top soil, etc…) I found it to be slightly basic which I know is not ideal for cannabis. It measured probably around 7.1-7.2. I know I can use soil acidifiers like sulfur. I’m planting the seeds in the ground probably tomorrow and won’t have sulfur by then so won’t be mixing it into the soil. Is it ok to topically apply sulfur and dissolve it into the soil through watering? I was also wondering if it’s feasible to not use any soil acidifiers but just to use ph balanced water. If I ph my water to around 6, will that effectively drop the ph of the soil in the same manner? Thanks!
Much better to mix in and let stand for some time: like 2 or 3 months.
Plant in Solo cup with seed starting mix (nutrient free peat) after a distilled water/peroxide soak of seeds. They will remain in Solo cups for 2 more weeks. That would give you the opportunity to shop for the things you need.
This will do no good at all.
Do you have any idea about how much sulfur to add? Or perhaps you can point me to a guide for that? I plan to dig roughly a 2 foot wide by maybe 1 foot deep hole for the plants to go into.
@garrigan62 got any ideas?
Also- about the soak: I see some people say you put the seeds in the medium when they sink, some say you do that when you see the root. Thoughts?
I soak my seeds for 24 hrs and then place them in a moist paper towel then in a Ziploc bag warm dark place check every 12 or so hrs once the tap root shows 1/2 to 3/4 inch long I sprinkle on great white and put it in the soil just barely covered. Usually day later they Pop just my thoughts and how I do it hope this helps
Just did that! I got them on a little heating mat too. I love the paper towel method just wasn’t sure if I was supposed to go from soak straight to soil. Thanks!
@MDGrower you’re welcome good luck
Most of the folks I know use 1/4 cup distilled water (important) and 1/2 tsp 3% peroxide. Seeds can take up to 7 days to crack! The peroxide a: keeps things sterile b: adds O to the water for the sprout c: softens outer husk.
This is placed in a warm dark place and refreshed with peroxide daily. Once tail shows, I go into a neutral medium like Promix HP or coco. This is in a Solo cup (you can use clear if an opaque one is over it) poked full of holes and the media slightly dampened. Sprout goes in 3/8" or so deep and lightly covered. Clear Solo cup for a dome, mist inside of dome twice per day with distilled water under 24/0 moderate light and temps around 76 to 78F.
Keep under dome and water just like that for two weeks. Lift clear inner cup out and admire the roots to see when to transplant.
n.b. I put the whole thing in because it’s kind of an interlocking whole
You can take older seeds and run em down a nail file to scuff the husk (this allows moisture in more easily and weakens the husk)
Hope that helps.
I did those things, and sat the glass on the cable box, lol, they grew roots in 16 hours, put them in soil this morning
. fingers crossed
@Myfriendis410 is sterring you rite. Thats exactly how i have done it for 10 years or better, since i started growing indoor seriously.
1/8 Recipe
1 1.5 cubic ft bag of Roots Organics
3.125 to 6.25 lbs of organic worm castings
.625 lbs or 5/8 lbs or 10 ounces steamed bone meal
.625 lbs or 5/8 lbs or 10 ounces bloom bat guano
.625 lbs or 5/8 lbs or 10 ounces blood meal
3/8 lbs or 6 ounces rock phosphate
3/32 cup or 1.5 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon sweet lime (dolomite)
1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon azomite (trace elements)
3/4 teaspoon powdered humic acid
This one of garrigan’s soil recipes. They all call for powdered humic acid.
Blood meal is also a PH reducer but it also a nitrogen source so not sure it is appropriate for seedling.
My soil mix is 7+ so I have been looking a ways to reduce its PH. I have not come up with an answer.