Need advice on first seedlings, maybe dying? :(

Out of 4 seeds planted, 3 have germinated.

The first (on the right in image below) grew this tall with the seed casing stuck on her head. It was like that for 3 days, so I helped remove it. It came off OK, but there were no leaves underneath…just this stub. Is it dead, or is there still hope?

The second (on the left in image below) has grown with leaves which is good! However I’m worried about the yellow tips on the leaves, it looks solid and infected?

The third in the back has grown as a stub without leaves too, but she only popped up yesterday so I can give her more time.

I started the germination 7 days ago by soaking the jiffy pellets until they were big, then popping the seeds in 1-2cm down. They were then kept inside a germination box until they popped out, then I put them under the grow light. I’m trying to maintain 50% humidity in the grow room, and around 19-20c.

It’s my first grow and looks terrible so far compared to what I’ve seen online. I think they were too wet for too long. Any advice on what is happening and what I can do to improve?

Thanks :slight_smile:

First welcome to the community I would get them under a dome so you can get your humidity level up mist lightly couple times a day also don’t hurt to miss the inside of the Dome lid. We all want them to grow fast but in seedling stage they have to develop a good root system before you start seeing a lot of foliage. Good luck


I hear bad things about those jiffy pellets all the time. Probably too wet


Yeah, no jiffy pellet.

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Ah thanks.

I’ve put them all back under the germination dome for more time. I think in future i’ll buy some seed potting mix and put them in my own pots instead!

Hope these little guys survive for now!


There is probably very little hope for the ones without leaves. Watch the tap root in the jiffy pellets they hit out the bottom fast

@terids. Just a hint. Most people germinate in paper towel before placing in their pellets. That way u can see the root before you place in pellets. I personally use them all the time and never had an issue due to the pellets. Just remember. Not too wet. They have to get air to breath. Hope this helps some.
Peace. :v:


I would try getting rh up, dome is easy way as others suggested.


Another thing to consider is with jiffy pucks they sit around and collect all kinds of dust and what not floating around the grow store i have had you exact problem to so what stopped this was i soaked them in ph water of 6.5 with 3% hydrogen peroxide i grow in soil and my pucks were also turning green to. There’s a couple formulas to mixing hydrogen peroxide to water on here they really helped me out alot

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I have just had the same experience as you , I lost 5 seeds in my first time use of Jiffy Pots and I am suspicious that they are the contributing factor.
I have been growing pot for many decades and I have never lost a seed but when I tried Jiffy Pots I lost 5…a big bummer ! :frowning_face:

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I feel you @James68. 1/4 for me survived, and even that one isn’t doing so well. I think I’m going to start over today and go grab some fresh potting mix.

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hi terids…soil sounds good (have a look at the Guides above re: GERMINATION…the pain of losing a ganja seed cuts deep that’s for sure…I kept one twisted gnarly bonsai looking one going out of sheer perseverance and it is just (maybe) coming around …I will not be using the Jiffys for pot and use them for my other herbs as I bought a hundred of them while was I was totally fried over Xmas.

Its all a learning curve and the results are truly fabulous

My advice to a first timer is to go with Northern Lights Automatics as they are almost bullet proof and deliver a great puff. :rainbow:

Ah, I bought the beginner pack. White Widow, Bubble Gum, and AK-47. Got my seedling pot mix now, starting to germinate another 2 seeds. hopefully these turn out better :)) thanks for the info guys!


If you baby those you already have up they will survive. Just don’t over water. I’ve had some terrible seedling turn into beautiful giants. Also each plant required 2x2ft of space. Do have room for 5 if your other 2 and the three survive.

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appreciate the good vibes…thank you:wink:

I think I can fit 4 max, I have a 0.75m x 0.75m x 2m tent. If all survive, I will have 6, but I’m pretty sure 3 are doomed. The one surviving one seems to have perked up a bit back under the dome :slight_smile:

Here is an update pic 2 days later. The 2 without leaves have no change, the one that hasn’t popped through had started to germinate but not started growing (been in there for 9 days), but the healthier girl has been growing her first big leaves :)))

I’ve germinated another 2 seeds which looks successful so far. I’ll put them in seedling potting mix tomorrow and hopefully they will be more successful.

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looks familiar…did your Jiffy Pots come in a original Jiffy container?..mine came loose in a large brown envelope and for all I know they were manufactured in North Korea.
I shall be giving the pots a wide berth in future.

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@James68 Mine came loose tied up in a plastic bag lol. You might be onto something!

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If you grow 1 good size plant it will fill this entire space. I wouldn’t be popping seeds like crazy.

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