Nanner? I don’t know

First grow so no experience. Just have seen photos of them before. Are these nanners? Or just a play on lights

I only see pistils here. Is there a certain bud that you are concerned about?

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It was that bright yellow spot lower

Looks like just light playing off a pistil . What kind of light you using? Hps?

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That is natural light I had them out for watering and LST adjustments. I didn’t see it till I looked at the pics I took.

They are under the dreaded blurple led

I think your fine. Does it appear to differ from the other pistils on the plant in person .

I don’t see any either. :ok_hand:


Nope i couldn’t find it again I was going to try to get a better picture. I’m glad it’s not a nanna :blush::blush::blush:


This is what a banana looks like @Carol4486 rite in center of pic.
I dnt see any in ur pic