My short CO2 experience

Yeah, they really go during vegging. I usually go about the same after flip. I pushed it to 6/7 weeks last time, testing cycles to keep the heat, humidity down, so it was really running about 2/3 of the time.
co2 generator for your room yes. The smaller the tent, the better for tanks (use less). @anon4427090 should consider with setup. Thanks peace


I usually only run it for 4 to 6 hours during my 12 on cycle and I have a 12000 btu ac that I run during co2 timesā€¦
Room temps will run from 76 to 82 during the co2 treatmentā€¦
Mind you that my setup is diy and is turned off and on manuallyā€¦ :+1::wink:
I can definitely see the plantā€™s respond to the co2 in a positive wayā€¦
They really go crazyā€¦
Mind you that I donā€™t have a meter , I go based off of the air thickness in the room so not ideal , but it workā€™s , but is extremely dangerous and I wouldnā€™t recommend itā€¦ :wink::upside_down_face:

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It seems, in my small tent that the temp/RH ramps up along ideal VPD curve when gassing, and Iā€™ve read that co2 allows the plants to handle higher temps/RH. All good except when flowering. May have to add AC this year.
I saw a co2 monitor online for $46, they are coming down in price. Air thickness? I count photons in the cloud chamber. Then my wife opens the tent, wakes me up, drags me upstairs for bud testing. life is good :atom_symbol: peace


Iā€™ll definitely have to look into them againā€¦
Iā€™m interested in just how much co2 my system createsā€¦
I definitely know its probably more than I need , but would like to know actual numbersā€¦ :+1:
I run rdwc , so my temps canā€™t get to high and plant holders have to be close to airtight in order to keep the co2 out of my systemā€¦
Iā€™ve got some tricksā€¦

@peachfuzz Iā€™m sure you have a lot of tricks, looking at your set-up. I would need a crew of 10 to manage that. I hope you donā€™t mind if I check your tricks, Looks like youā€™re covering everything. I am always trying to learn anything. As far as keeping buckets air tight, Iā€™m not worried about co2 seeping in. At highly concentrated co2 levels (2000ppm) The oxygen content is still +20%. I canā€™t imagine a gas co2 generator operating properly if too much oxygen is depleted. I would be looking at a co alarm at that point. Iā€™m not that familiar with generators for large rooms, just thinking of combustion. I know a co2 tank disaster could asphyxiate everything. Thanks for the replies, Iā€™m kind of new here, trying to navigate the forum, still learning tricks. Happy growing and Peace!

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Howā€™s it growing?

5 Weeks flower



The only issue with CO2 mixing with the nute solution (that i can remember reading) is that it will cause PH fluctuationā€¦(Down i think it was)

And burning Propane or other hydrocarbons without sufficient oxygen will create carbon monoxide instead of dioxideā€¦not sure how ā€œthickā€ the air is at that point.

Uncle Google saysā€¦ MOOOā€¦wait wrong oneā€¦here it is

When not enough oxygen is present for complete combustion , incomplete combustion occurs when propane burns and forms water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,and carbon.



Exactly. Always learning here. thanks. I havenā€™t had a ph problem yet. :crossed_fingers:The plants eat the stuff so fast, they get new nutes and water and checked about every other day.

Thatā€™s why my co2 system is so awesomeā€¦
It burns at a better rate than any co2 gas or propane generator that they saleā€¦
Like I said , I got tricksā€¦ lolā€¦
Iā€™m going to have to get you guys some picsā€¦
@anon4427090 @newVesuvius
I was frowned upon before for mentioning my system because it can obviously be dangerous to burn anything anywhereā€¦
But more so if you buy the really cheap equipmentā€¦
I really wish I had someone to document all of the things that I do because I really suck at it and never have the timeā€¦
Everything is so simple and is always over thought and over engineered for what we are trying to accomplishā€¦ :man_facepalming::man_shrugging::upside_down_face::grin:
I tend to think on the cheap side of things and obviously the most productive and practical things to solve my issuesā€¦


Fun is where its at. You know what youā€™re doing and thatā€™s what matters. Common sense, proper skills and execution(experience) are all you need. If one doesnā€™t have them, they may frown on your systems.
As far as documenting stuffā€¦ maybe shoot a video. I used to have to document my stuff; was the most boring part of my otherwise awesome gig :magnet: :milky_way:. Expect the impossible, not the unreasonable.Iā€™m doing this, for my own memory, and if someone can glean info from it, fantastic. Not So many ways to have fun growing. These plants can take alot, and if you are in the ballpark with things, they grow. Especially with (R)DWC. Please, get some pics. Iā€™m always looking at new ideas, trying to understand things, just to keep my synapses synapsing. Happy growing and
Peace :upside_down_face::v: