My outdoor grow

Hi everyone how my babies looking

2nd plant

Why does my second plant look like flower issues

The last one in my newest one I put on ground 2 weeks ago


Hey there they look nice and big and no sick colors. Looks like been flowering just a short time.

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Are they photos or autos @Hotstuffmom

Looking good!

Ya gotta love the great out doors they look good i wish i could let mine get as tall as they want to

Iv been battling the preflower as well just a couple more weeks and our girls will be on track for amazing things

They are photos not auto flowering. They were put in ground the 10th of april


Gotcha now I notice one and three - finger leaves, once in a while see that topic around and I think it’s about re-vegging. People who re-veg would know @DEEPDIVERDAVE does, he’s probably away but his journal is there


Thats reason I ask if auto’s or photos because way to early for start budding they starting to re-veg as @Jaysittinback was saying

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What does it mean re-veg will she still produce

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When photos have less than 14 hours of light they will start budding then where you put them outside longer light hours they stop budding and start growing again til days get shorter

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I had a plant I nicknamed Gary. She was a clone under a desk lamp. I had to take a business trip and my spouse turned off the light! She started to flower. Then when I got home she re-vegged and looked pretty fugly. I cut off all the buds sites and put her outside. She was a decent producer in the end.


They will still produce in fact there thc levels increas each time the plant shifts from veg to flower

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Im going through the same thing, they will kick butt. They are looking great

I would definately top before flower or your going to get a lean my friend plus another cola…Always good to do at least one top!