It looked like a murder scene. I was cleaning out my goats pen and I let him run free while I clean it so he can run and graze on the land but I always keep a close eye on him cuz I know he will eat my ladies. Well, this time I forgot to put him back in and the next thing I know my daughter comes up to me and says “Daddy, did you know Twix is out?”(Twix is my goats name) As you can imagine, my heart dropped into my stomach and I jumped up and ran faster than I ever have ran before to see the the fate of my beautiful ladies. It could have been worse but man did it still hurt. 1 out of my 4 ladies was attacked and just about half of her was gone and she was completely ripped out of the soil roots and all. Only the true cannabis loverz know the feeling that came over me at that moment. I would appreciate any help you guys could offer. The pics below are before and after, its the 3rd one down towards the right. Thanks in advance- Phatz.
I recommend spit roasting. That’s what we did back in 82 when my neighbors goat ate my plant. Kinda greasy,… but washes down well with beer.
Oh trust me Oak, I’d be making some Birria right now if my daughter didnt love that goat so much.
If the roots aren’t too damaged, it should recover, but it’s not gonna produce very much this late in season.
I’d keep it partial sun for a couple days as it true to heal. Direct hot sun may finish her off
Mix up some liquid thrive 1/2 tsp hydrogen peroxide same thing and root stimulate 1/2 tsp to gal of water this works wonders omn plants that ste sttessed
Just 1/2 tsp peroxide gallon of h2o? Or that and root stimulate?
Appreciate you guys, this morning she is looking rather crispy and shocked. Fan Leaves are green but very dry, if I touch them they crisp away. Also the wind revealed a break in the main stem just above the first couple sets of leaves. It was completely cracked over when I saw her this morning. Gave her a splint and taped up the break with blue painters tape. Man I hope she makes it. I will try the peroxide tip and get her out of the sun. As far as store bought nutes like the thrive that was recommended, unfortunately I do not have access to any of that right now. What I do have is lots of chickens, a goat and pigs and I have been saving there waste in a large hole in the ground. I have made manure tea but not quite sure on the recipe. Just filled up a gallon jug with about an inch of goat and chicken shit and filled the rest with water, capped it, then let it sit in the sun for 3 weeks. I would appreciate any advise with the resources I have as everyday you learn something new. I will get today’s pics up shortly. Smoke Big my Brothers.
Oh and a bag of crushed oyster shells. The soil is a 50/50 mix of organic miracle grow potting mix with moisture control and perlite. No store bought nutes have been used.
Chicken poop is good but if put to close to your plants will burn them ladies to a crisp. Dig a whole about 2ft away from your plants and add just a little bit of chicken poop and some water to dilute check for any burn the next day… Hope this helps happy growing
It’s very strong and has a punch that you don’t want to get hit by lol…
Damn it sucks to see her like this. You take such good care of them, give them all the TLC they need. And then something comes along and just annihilates her. She was so happy, now shes in ICU. Why couldnt the damn goat eat my wifes rose bushes intead.
You should be good if you can keep the goat from further snacks.
The plants will be a bit of shock. Might take a week or so to see vigorous growth. Maybe it will explode with new bud sites after the animal prunning.
Good Luck, lw
Thanks for the info and the hope Stonetothebone and Latewood. I will post new pics daily to show the recovery. And the goat ain’t coming out again until after harvest, trust me. I just join ilgm this month and this is my first topic I’ve posted and I gotta say this place is pretty damn cool, glad I found it. I will be ordering seeds soon when I go back indoors. Wish I could smoke a phat bowl with all of you. And if any one has any other info on the best ways of using goat manure and chicken manure please let me know.
Smoke Big, live long.
@Phatz. listen to latewood their gonna be fine ,And follow What garrian62 Mentor , said to do itll help stave off the shock … happy BBQ OR Growing or Both ,… Hammer
Yes she’ll be ok, cannabis is not poisonous to goats
Screw the goat, I was talking about my plant in the title. The goats a boy.
I had a kangaroo (or a few of them who knows) eat all 15 or so of my plants on my very first grow years ago… Animals can be pricks, and unfortunately enjoy cannabis just as much as us… Who would have thought