Does anybody go by planting there seed by the phase of the moon .
There are a bunch planting on sunday the 15th. moon day. check out @GrnyGrows thread. ‘Full flower eclipse moon…’
I always sow on a waxing moon, on the new moon or just after. Theory being as the nights get brighter they encourage the sprouts to head for the sky.
I use the Farmer’s almanac .
Since in grow indoors I use convenience and when space and lights are available.
I just don’t believe the moon effects indoor or controlled outdoor sowing . The only way i believe that it effects anything is the tide effect bringing more water to surface for a more favorable germination conditions, now maybe the seeds can feel that extra gravitational pull and respond but im not sold
This is the only thing I can imagine the lunar cycle effecting planting. But to me, the kicker is the moon is there every day, or every night, just as big and solid (or hollow but that’s another topic), and sometimes the sun’s light reflecting off of it is covered more than others.
Yes and yes! @Big123 introduced me to this. I believe in this 100%.
Nutrients uptake, plant growth and root growth is all effected by the position of the moon and the light it gives off.
Nutrients can be added at a more diluted rate but more often during certain times of the season. Plants also react to stress better during certain moon phases.
You have taped into a solid area my friend with great rewards. Some may think it’s goofy and that’s ok. Some just don’t know how to Barnes the power of what’s around us.
64lbs Rose Quarts. Also know as the gardeners stone. Helps promote bigoted healthy growth.

Yes, waxing moon, sometimes the new moon in double fertile signs of sun and moon.
I started these in April 2020, waxing, Libra moon, I had poor germination rates, though prolific flower producers:eyes:
The moon kinda wobbles around the planet from our perspective as it’s not really on a flat orbit of us. Sometimes it’s above the equator and sometimes below.
Look at the chart for the lunar eclipse tomorrow night and you can see the path of the moon as it rotates the globe.
The moon, and all the planets effect the gravitation and balance of the solar system. If you pluck one of the planets out of it’s orbit, or alter it significantly all hell will break loose on all the other planets and the pulls have changed.
This might be unexpected to some but the lunar cycle definitely effects humans too!
I worked at a state institution for the mentally handicapped for 4 years back in the early 90s. Full moons were nice and quiet.
New moons all hell broke loose! More behaviors by far on the new moon as opposed to the full moon.
No report on werewolf boy - he was on a different unit!
Ocean tides are caused by the Moon’s gravitational pull, so…
I use the farmers almanac planting guide. For years I would plant my gardens whenever it pleased me. Same process, sometime I would get very low germination rates, finally figured it out.
I don’t use FA 100% of the time, but if it says certain days are exceptionally poor planting days, and things planted during that time frame tend to rot, I take heed. My vegetable gardens have been so much more productive the last 5-6 years since using it, I cant begin to tell ya.
I’m reminded of an old garden thing I heard years ago from some old gal at the farmers market. 'A garden is like nothing else under the sun. If you take care of it and give love, it will take care of you and give love back. If you feed it, it will feed you. Very few things operate on this principle, fair and square.
All thats needed is sun, soil, water, love, magic, and a tiny place to grow. The moon planting guide is part of the magic.
When the moon is higher in the sky it illuminates the garden more. Forcing more growth above ground. So so much more