11:52 est
RDWC 5 GALLON X4. need a home remedy to boost my girls before harvest. I’ve heard molasses and I’ve heard sugar in the raw…HELP. THANK you
Week 8 today since 12/12 flip…56 actual days. Getting close but I’m just not feeling it yet. I have a loupe and I am looking into snow drifts but not seeing A m b e R .
I don’t think molasses is very compatible with dwc, it foams or something. There are plenty of carb suppliers designed for hydroponic use though. What line of nutrients are you using?
Well…?..I’ll have to let you know when it’s all said and done. Lol
Not familiar enough with their line to know if they have something specific or not. But most of the bigger names have something within their hydroponic line.
No money at the moment…at all ,but super close to killing a few invasive plants that have been hanging around!!! 1st grow and I don’t know WTF I never did this before!!@
I poured about 200mg of pure,non-gmo,organic dark molasses into the reservoir tonight. CARBS!!!
I have a soil grow with a PVC/Drip irrigation system powered by a 30-50 psi well pump. I tried using molasses a couple times but it gums up the works and leaves things smelling pretty bad in the lines after a while, then stopped using it.
I think that if you are using FF Trio nutes, which are not organic, then adding molasses isn’t necessary because it is more effective in an organic soil grow where the microbes in the soil are going to benefit from the molasses.
Thank you very much
FF has Bembe. It is a carb/ molasses finisher.