Wonder if I download the book if it disappears. Lol. Download and erase as I don’t have enough room to store all this stuff.
I have the dot now
Did you read the article? They will continue the research on it and I bet they will find the plants do communicate with each other. We already know they do chemically underground and soon we’ll have audio equipment to tell they lies to convince them to grow better. It’s already out there music helps plants grow
@Kpa said it disappeared after he downloaded it
Looking great brother!! Buds are stacking nicely!
And in a lot of other ways… We barely scratched the surface it seems.
If you Google Acacia trees and pheromones you get this :
Pine trees, for instance, when preyed on by caterpillars, send out pheromones that attract wasps to the forest, which prey on the caterpillars. Acacia trees, when eaten by grazing giraffes, release ethylene gas , which prompts other acacias to flood their leaves with bitter tannins.
Thanks Cj I would like to see more stretch but I’m happy that they’re happy
Think I was a little to aggressive with light too soon, if that makes sense
mines is $10 off lol
@Mark0427 @MeEasy simply click on the dot put your email in and hit enter it will obviously send you the pdf but the dot goes away
I sent it to a friends addy for the helluvit lol
Green dot gone now for me!
Hope you are well Easy. I am nap trapped by my granddaughter. Love holding and some days I cry when I rock her to sleep. Just overwhelmed with this precious gift.
The only thing on this planet i love more than my kids are my grandkids
I’d need to retire to keep up with the amount of forest you turn over
I was forced into retirement, I’m nearly house bound I joke around about my plants being my emotional support animals but it is the truth. My plants keep me busy I honestly think I would go crazy without them
I’m glad you’ve got something to keep motivated. Having any type of purpose is far better than not
Same with me brother they help occupy my mind to keep it calm instead of all the other shit running loose inside my head
Scientist said you gonna die! Snake bite on the azz joke…
I laid awake all night unable to shake plants crying… And i realized this could solve a ton of supernatural crys and screams heard in the mountains of Mexico! Its not screaming women its 1000’s of girls getting the chop at once. Sad really…