How much light does LSD AUTO need per DAY? What is MAX amt. of light for LSD AUTO per day?
Autos in general u can do a 20/4 or 18/6
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I agree duration (photo period) of 18/6+ per day for autos until harvest.
Daily Light Integral (DLI)
1. micro Mols per second = PPFD
2. PPFD * .0036 (3600 (sec in an hour) / 10^6) = Hourly Light Integral (HLI): example: 550 * .0036 = 1.98
3. HLI * hrs of light per day = DLI: example: 1.98 * 18 = 35.64
**Note: The optimal DLI range of cannabis is between 30 and 45, depending on the growth stage.
Intensity (how much) depends on growth phase:
Thanks[quote=“Dont, post:1, topic:78522, full:true”]
How much light does LSD AUTO need per DAY? What is MAX amt. of light for LSD AUTO per day?
Here’s the formula I use. A little less intimidating.
Ppfd x (3600 x light hours)/ 1,000,000 = DLI
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