Mars hydro ts1000

I just got the ts1000 today and it’s dimmable obviously I have 5 autos going in a 3 by 3 tent and they are 20 days out of soil … what setting should I have it on and how far from the plants , I don’t want to crank it all the way up right now but don’t want to burn them or anything please help

Posting a pic in white light (no purple ) would help so we know if it’s stretching, stunted, perfect… light placement and intensity will be different for different styles of development so pics would help a lot


Set it about 18 to 24 inches try about 25% power for a day or 2 and watch it if it stretches lower light a touch or turn up a slight bit to compensate


I have a ts1000. Never have dimmed it ever. Just placed about 30" above the seedlings and let it go.

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I think that’s what I’m going to do just play with it a bit and see what happens cause like everyone is saying it varies on the plant etc , just don’t want to burn them so I have it all the way up and probably way to high it’s all the way up :man_facepalming: I’ll adjust after work I’m sure it won’t hurt anything for the day just want them to get some good light

Yeah once they start to get true leaves they can get more than cfls give like smaller lights or on a low setting or u will burn them. And as tgey grow i just every few days give my dimmer a slight turn higher. Flower time im usually about full power or so

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Planning on any more lights? A 150 watt light (Mars Hydro TS1000) is a bit under-powered to adequately light up a 3x3 tent in flowering.


Yeah I know but I think it would be better than the one I had man money is tight ya know it’s just for personal use


Same situation here. I bought the TS1000 because the UFO (maybe 100w) that came with the tent (32x32x60) wasn’t enough and my buds were airy. I now use both with the Mars light at about half pwr or so. I haven’t done a start to finish with both lights yet but it seems to have helped the ones that were growing already. One plant had both lights for about half the flowering time and had much better yield, one had both lights from early flower and it looks to be my best yet. I have one more that has been under both lights since before it flowered and it is packing on some nice looking buds.


I looked my tent up it has a weird measurement it’s 31”by 31” by 60 so it’s less than a three by three and isn’t it between 30-50 watts per plant ? I think it should be enough to get some decent buds on it

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No other lights it’s actually smaller than a three by three it’s 31” by 31” by 60 so I think it should be enough it’s about 30 watts a plant I’m not looking for insane crazy stuff just some good smoking stuff ya know


I think, (like I would know :crazy_face:) since you can run a longer light cycle with autos, it should suit your needs quite well.
As I said, I have that light and it is doing a great job in the same size tent. I had 3 plants in different stages in there at once. Been trying different settings and with/without 2nd light.

I’ve efficiently flowered 2 amnesia haze autos in a 32”x32”x60” tent with one ts1000. Each plant yielded about 2oz.

Cool, if it yields enough buds to keep you supplied then that’s all that matters, but if you ever want to step up the yield then more light will get you there. Happy growing!