Lst training my autoflower

Okay can some one please give me advice on low stress training . I started to do it last night but im a begginer and i staired at the plant lost and didnt know what to do . all the videos i watched the plants were allot smaller and didnt have allot of growth. What should i do ? My plant is a autoflower

post a picture. It depends on the plants age and how woody (flexible) the stems are. You may be to far along to do a whole lot without doing more harm than benefit gained

Your plant isn’t very big and with the tight node spacing there’s not really a lot you can do right now. As it gets a little bigger you can tie off branches to pull them out a little.

Im a reckless grower and i experiment alot. So if your depending on this plant fir smoke i would ignore me but i train my autos that early.

Looking at that pic id bend it over as far as i could without it touching soil. You will see a cola on a lower node start getting larger and catching up to the top. Once it does pull it the other way. Keep repeating that till you get her spread out. I would also be supercropping.

Id cut lower fan leaves also. It would allow for more bend.