LST help please - tie down

White widow autos: I have a question, my plants were suffering early on (user error), so don’t judge me :crazy_face:. They are catching up and getting bushy. I’ve be tucking and using some LST. But my question is should I, at some point, untie the main branch/cola so it can grow taller again? Or, as the other nodes’ branches continue to develop, LST/tie them too. I’ve not done any lolipopping/trimming as they are still very small – about 7 in. (if upright) tall by 9 in. wide.

They’ve tripled in size since getting into their forever homes. Second grow went into the dirt in a day or two. @Retiredoldguy @Highwayman420

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@GrnyGrows girls are looking good. I do un-tie some of my branches as they grow but only if I need to move them a different direction or they don’t need the tie down(stay in place without) . This is where you must decide where and how you want your branches to grow.


Here’s a peak at one I was training that recently went into flower… the only branch I still have tied is the dominant cola. I try and get everything some what level.
Side note… Northern lights Auto


@GrnyGrows IMHO most people do LST because of grow height limitations, you don’t need to do much of this because you are not in a tent and have a lot of head room for your plants to grow tall

I think in your situation the bouquet or lollipop methods might fit you better… :cowboy_hat_face:


I agree totally with @Retiredoldguy. I experimented with some LST a few grows ago and found that my yields were about the same and bud quality was same as well. So now I just use a net and spread them out that way. I trim the underneath area to “lolli pop” the plants. Sure I may have some larfly (loose) buds deep inside the plant where light is not getting to it. But I love the natural look of the plant. In the future I might do some more LST, but I just top and defoliate as needed.


IMO the most efficient and productive form under artificial lights is wide and flat. This can be accomplished using LST or nets. I am a fan of LST because I like to shape the plant.

I show this example because using bent wire staples makes training so easy. Pin them down and move them later as needed.

I will remove the staples when the plant outgrows them or the branch is set and won’t move much. Basically when I flip to flower.

Since you are growing autos (I don’t any longer) this is the last one I grew. LST only

It was a very nice Jack Herer.


This is great info. Thanks for taking the time to share. I’m paranoid about hurting the plants. I love the staples, so much simpler than string.

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I would let grow more then start lst on other branches and once it has gotten taller and about to go into flower then i would lollipop and defoliated ur plant

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@GrnyGrows instead of string consider pipe cleaners, they work great, they form easily and can be tied together to make any length…they are reusable because they are easily removed. I figured I would share this picture with you to show how I use them and maybe get a laugh from my rock

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Amazing set up. I’m jealous. Are you using the big hefty type pipe cleaner-type things or the little regular pipe cleaners? I love the big rock holding it in place. :heart_eyes:

How big is this tent?

I started bending some other branches today – little ones. I’m bummed I broke a limb off. Anything I can do with it?

the regular length ones because then I can make any length

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well you could maybe try to make a clone form it?

How? I just put it in a glass of water. Do I need to root it or just shove it in some dirt or a peat pod?

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this tent is 33x33x63 inches

Wow – the set up is amazing. You should make a drawing of it – so I can steal your ideas. :crazy_face:

it is best to have the clone root stimulator but in this case I would cut the bottom of the branch at a clean 45 degree angle and then place in a peat pod and see what happens,trim off anything except the top branch node

Cool, something else to learn. And, good Sunday morning to you. I hope you’re well.

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If its snap completely off nothing but if it is still connected to the plant well u can put honey on the wound and then tape it back together


I would not expect this branch to grow but it was something to try since it broke off, nothing to loose and it gets you started in learning how to clone. I did clones for many years, always had a mother plant growing and would replace her with her own clones when she got too big.

Good Sunday morning to you , enjoying a smoke, my green tea, listening to music and doing some trimming and training. Prepping my nutrients for my reservoir changeouts tomorrow