Looking for swedish

Hi, im new here im looking for a good swedish grower to talk to, someone here ? Sorry if i write on wrong chatt, peace and love


Welcome @Magi ! There may be a few Swedish folks on here, but there are definitely a lot of friendly, helpful people from all over! If you truly want more folks closer to you, the autoflower dot org forum is a lot folks mainly from your side of the pond I believe, fwiw. Happy growing.


@Magi G’day mate not know of swedish but plenty of dutch an all sorts or countries on here mate,good luck welcome to this awesome forum :slight_smile:


Japp :fist_right::fist_left:

Har du instagram ? IsÄfall skicka den eller signal ?

HallÄ :blush: skapade en Snapchat vi kan snacka pÄ men den blev visst borttagen direkt :sweat_smile:

Har du inte instagram ? Eller nÄgon annan app istÀllet för Mail ?:stuck_out_tongue:

Fixade discord Azton0916