I’ve seen an increase in auto grows and questions over the last several months. There’s a category specifically for this but thought I would start a thread that could be easily found. Tagging a few great auto cultivators I’ve seen to help with questions. @CooterJuice @Syndrix @Deepsix @Not2SureYet @kaptain3d @Underthestairs @HappyHydroGrower and for the organic interest @MeEasy. I’m sure I left a few cultivators out but feel free to jump in
@Nicky is a talented auto grower too.
Yes sir, forgot about him. Haven’t seen much of him here in the last 6 months or so
Yeah. I just checked his profile and he hasn’t logged on at all for about 3 weeks.
I’ll see an occasional post on another site from him but not very often
Great idea brother OG!! Autoflowers are definitely gaining in popularity. There is some awesome breeders out their doing amazing things with auto genetics!! Set to watch and help in anyway possible!!
Appreciate ya Brother, wish I lived in a legal state and could reach out to a few and maybe do some journaled test runs for them
Always happy to participate in helping
Always happy to help other growers when ever I can, and give back to the forum that’s help me out over the past 3 years.
@Deepsix @Underthestairs appreciate ya
I appreciate the tag and your confidence in my apprentice (at best) auto growing skills and you know I’m always willing to help anyone out when I can. I’m struggling right now with some health issues, I’m still trying to check in daily and at least answer any direct/tags questions
This is a great idea Mr @OGIncognito…
Appreciate ya Brother and sending you healing and speedy recovery vibes. Take a pause for the cause my friend you need and deserve it
Thanks buddy, I’m getting better at least I can sit up without my stomach trying to climb up into my throat
Just starting an indoor run with 4 autos!
Right on Grow Sis! 1st auto grow?
More CalMag
Cranking up all auto for winter myself.
@repins12 @neofirebird @Capt.Cola are good with autos also. I will be soon starting an auto run of 3 or 4 my self.
There is a nice list of auto growers to help out here. I know there are more. My brain doesn’t want to think real hard right now
@JaneQP Do you know what 4 you will be doing all ready?
Excellent auto growers! I was under the influence of some of @repins12 Charlottes Yesterdream when I started this and went brain dead on who to tag